Friday, July 29, 2011

Time to go home

Laundry. Check.

Bags packed. Check.

Lots and lots of treats bought for the trip. Check.

It was time to leave.

But before this, I went on one last bike ride with this girl
and this boy.
It was amazing! We went up towards Kamas and around Brown's canyon.

OK, so I have been feeling guilt, and Mike I have a confession to make. So at the very end, during the crazy steep hill, I actually got off my bike and walked for a minute. I don't think you looked back and saw. I really thought I was going to vomit. Pathetic! But i got my mojo back and hopped back on my bike before you looked back. I have been feeling guilt ever since, and so here is my confession in writing. I'm not as cool as you thought I was.

Before we left, we met up with Sid and Tam at the Gateway for one last lunch. When we met them I handed my Dad Brooklyn, and immediately she pooed straight through her clothes. I'm no boy scout, so I wasn't prepared with back ups and conveniently Baby Gap was right there, so the dumper got a new onesie.

After we said our good byes, we were off! We left about 4:30 pm. Brooklyn was kind of a stinker and we did all that we could to entertain her
Is it bad that my 6 month already knows how to work an I-pad?

This girl was amazing!
After 16 hours of driving I came to a couple of conclusions.
1) I think I only have it in me to drive to Utah one time per year. 2) Travis really needs to work on his road trip skills. ie: deep conversations, not sleeping.
3) I like Justin Bieber
4) Living away from family kind of stinks.

We love you all and will never take you for granted!

Oh and a shout out to my friends. I didn't see any of your faces. But if you just read the last 9 posts (and if you are a real friend, you should have :) then you will understand that I didn't have 5 minutes of free time. I do miss you and life isn't the same without you in it. Don't forget about me!

And the last photo of this novel...
Back to the good ole' Midwest


Papa John said...

We miss you already...and thanks for the memories, and the sacrifices to get out here and back...

Tracie said...

Come Back.

Mike said...

Haha...that confession was hilarious. But seriously though, I'm so ashamed of you. Go and sin no more.