Friday, July 29, 2011

Day Dos

We just sort of milled around Park City

We got our pool on... Our goal was not to look like Casper next to our Arizona cousins.
Then we had a BBQ and ended it with nothing but the best. A Jones family talent show... maybe we should insert the word variety instead of talent.

There may have been dancing, doing the splits, rolling over, crazy singing and having people listen to your weird stomach noises in this line up.
Sadie and Devin finished it up with a little Marshall arts show. Don't mess with them.
After the show, my Mom did a presentation on her dad who just passed away, and my Dad did a presentation on his mom who passed away 4 years ago. It was neat. We also made my Grandma's homemade hot fudge to remember her. Before you watch this video, just remember that I love my daughter. But I also love practical jokes. If you think it is cruel and unusual, just know that I totally hooked her up with M and M's after. Don't call social services OK, I'm a really good Mom normally, I just had to do this.
PS just because you can't see trav in this film, he is just as involved as I am. That's right babe, I'm bringing you down with me.


Tam the Gram said...

You better run and hide, I am calling now, as we speak, right this minute. . .

Tracie said...

I laughed so hard at this one.

Child abuse.

Does anyone know the number to CPS?

Rachel said...

What a great vedio. Now you got me thinking about April Fools day alredy. (smile)