Friday, July 29, 2011

Day quatro

It was a Sunday morning, and we woke up to this.

So sad. So instead of church, we watched the woman's world cup at uncle Scott's house (did you know that Travis is older than my uncle... just a funny side note). Seriously, who wins the World Cup in penalty shots? We totally outplayed you Japan... but I guess it was a good thing for your country, with all of the devastation, so we will allow you the victory.

That night, we said good bye to the Jolley's as they headed back to the sauna, aka Phoenix.

See ya crazies!


Tam the Gram said...

Ah, Sunday----poor Brooklyn!

Tracie said...

OK, those eyes are killing me! I will say that the moment I saw her the day before, I said, "Brooklyn....HI! Oh dear...on my....antibiotics, anyone?" After which Dr. T. proceeded to shrug me off and tell me where to go. Come to find out, next day he called in a script. (I know, I know, you were just trying to prevent a plague among the cousins, and probably would have just rode it out at home.) Needless to say, nothing should ever be allowed to take the beauty out of those eyes.

Tice said...

Okay, do I get a say in which photos of me you can use?!!! Both me and Brooklyn are calling the attorney tomorrow... you did NOT have our written consent!!!