Monday, July 11, 2011

Hard Days Work

Travis is now officially NOT AN INTERN!!! That is right, he is officially a 2nd year resident. He isn't the guinea pig anymore. He isn't the pond scum anymore. He has "tenure" now.

When I picture him at work, I imagine the show "ER" or "Grey's Anatomy" (minus the nurse/doctor affairs that is). I imagine that there is always trauma some where, and that Travis has his hands dirty with blood running around from room to room saving people's lives.

So when he came home from work the other day and showed my what he did, I was a little shocked, and maybe let down?

He came home with this masterpiece.
I will explain. Once a month they have seminar. Its a feel good, express my feelings with my peers, so I don't go insane day. They sit around and talk about feelings, etc. Travis and his class was able to construct a picture of how their first year as a resident went.
He felt that his year was a half pipe. It started good, we had a new baby, etc. But then the whole part about my grandpa dying, and me staying in Utah for 6 weeks sure put a damper on his year. He struggled for awhile, had a bunch of really demanding and hard rotations, but then the sun came out, we came back, and he started getting used to his life and he snapped out of it.

I know I make fun of what he did, but really, its kind of cool to see that these "educated" woman and men are really a bunch of humans that have growing pains just like the rest of the world. They like to sit around, eat gummy worms and talk about feelings just like the rest of us.

Good work Boo!


Allie said...

Ha Ha Ha! Kindergarten?

Tracie said... about FEELINGS? And I like to talk about Nascar.

Kimberly said...

Congrats Dr. Charles on not being an intern anymore and expressing your feelings!

Papa John said...

He gets an "atta-boy" from his dad!

Mama Kath said...

Good work to you too Milli!