Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Best hike ever

Travis, do you remember that one time we decided to take the kids hiking, basically in our back yard to the Pinals? We found the perfect hike. We wanted to hike to the top, but we didn't want to hike all day long. We found a hike that started 2 and a half miles from the peak. Then our younger kids were getting cranky and tired of the hike, we still had a little bit to get to the top. The older kids wanted to finish. We came up with a brilliant plan. I would take the older kids up, and you would start hiking down with the younger kids and we would meet up. Well, we made it to the top. It was majestic! While that was going on, you were walking down, holding Leo, and you slipped. In order to not crush your son, you twisted weird. You heard a pop and knew something was just not right on your leg. I finally caught up to you struggling down the mountain with the two kids. You were in pain. I took the little kids and tried to help you. I wasn't really doing much help for you because I was dealing with the little kids. I finally made a management decision that I would just trudge down with the kids while you just went at your slow pace. We had been in the truck for a good 45 minutes when you finally made it down. I will admit, I sort of thought you were acting worse than it was, but I didn't say anything. You even made the comment that it may be broken. This was a Saturday. You borrowed crutches for church the next day. On Monday, you decided to get an X-Ray. I got the call from you that yes, it was broken. Insert food in mouth, well, I guess brain, because technically I didn't say anything. I guess I should say sorry for thinking you were overplaying your injury. And also, sorry I left you all alone on a mountain with a broken leg. I should probably work on my compassion! I'm glad it wasn't totally serious and that you didn't get surgery. You did rent a scooter because you can't put any weight on your leg, so that's pretty cool, right? Well, get better soon. Sure love ya!
Love, Your wife.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dreams do come true

When Travis was a young lad, I'm sure he had dreams of having strapping young sons who would play football, soccer and basketball with him all the days long.

Well this is reality. 3 beautiful daughters to dress him up and dote on him. He pretends to hate it, but the man let them do it to him so I know secretly he loves it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The greatest show

At the beginning of 2018, "The Greatest Showman" came out. It was a fantastic musical about Barnum's (the circus guy) life. 

My kids saw the movie and were obsessed with the music, along with pretty much any other kid between the ages of 5-15! 

The local choir was doing their music, so of course my kids were stoked about it and had to be involved! 

They did three songs, and it was the awesome. I love watching them do things like this. I'm totally going to be one of those stage moms trying to get the best seats and filming their every move. I'm a fan! 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Fools Day

It was a weird Easter! It was Easter, but it was also on April 1st, so it was April fools day. Also, it was LDS conference. The day was just odd! I feel like since there was so much going on, I wasn't really prepared for anything. I didn't do the usual April fools day shenanigans, I didn't print off stuff for my kids to do during conference, and I wasn't really on the ball with the Easter plans. I usually try to emphasize the Holy week and make it about what its supposed to be about, and I failed miserably at it all! I'm going to chalk it up to just being overwhelmed! I'm pulling the mom card on this one. I so want to be the fun and prepared mom. But I just didn't have it in me this time! I'm just glad we go the dying of the Easter eggs in! I will say though, Avery sure came through on the April fools day jokes! You can always count on her for making that stuff happen! All in all, it was a good day! After Avery drew mustaches's on her sisters's faces, we found our Easter baskets, ate lots of candy, watched conference, ate more candy, drove down to Gilbert and had dinner with the Jolley's, probably had dessert and more candy, and had a pretty epic Easter egg hunt in the park with Jon's sister Jen and her family. I'm ready for holidays to be over! There, I said it, I'm a bahumbug for sure!