Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Travis big day

It's not fair that you have to adult on your birthday. Travis woke up in the dark like he usually does, skirted off to work like he usually does and came home tired like normal. But its still a birthday and ya still have to celebrate. So we did.

Happy 38th birthday Trav! Sorry we only had a '6' candle. We love you and appreciate your hard work. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"ward" campout

This was our plan B instead of going to the ward camp out tonight.

Sometimes being a wife of a doctor blows. He was on call and didn't get home till 8pm. I had packed everything for camping on top of that. Waaaaa! 

We still had a good time though. We invited a neighbor over for S'mores.

Also, they camped out on the trampoline
Me? Well I decided I should probably sleep inside with Isla. I sacrifice sometimes. 

The next morning we woke up and drove out to the site and had breakfast with the rest of the ward.

They had a good time after all.