Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Fools Day

It was a weird Easter! It was Easter, but it was also on April 1st, so it was April fools day. Also, it was LDS conference. The day was just odd! I feel like since there was so much going on, I wasn't really prepared for anything. I didn't do the usual April fools day shenanigans, I didn't print off stuff for my kids to do during conference, and I wasn't really on the ball with the Easter plans. I usually try to emphasize the Holy week and make it about what its supposed to be about, and I failed miserably at it all! I'm going to chalk it up to just being overwhelmed! I'm pulling the mom card on this one. I so want to be the fun and prepared mom. But I just didn't have it in me this time! I'm just glad we go the dying of the Easter eggs in! I will say though, Avery sure came through on the April fools day jokes! You can always count on her for making that stuff happen! All in all, it was a good day! After Avery drew mustaches's on her sisters's faces, we found our Easter baskets, ate lots of candy, watched conference, ate more candy, drove down to Gilbert and had dinner with the Jolley's, probably had dessert and more candy, and had a pretty epic Easter egg hunt in the park with Jon's sister Jen and her family. I'm ready for holidays to be over! There, I said it, I'm a bahumbug for sure!

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