Saturday, January 1, 2011


Avery went to see Santa Claus three different times.

Visit #1 We were in Parkville, she was so pumped waiting in line. We got up to Santa and I had the camera all ready to go, when all of a sudden my fearless girl wasn't so fearless anymore. I had to put the camera away and sit by Avery so she wouldn't cry. She didn't cry, but also didn't mutter a word (which is weird for this chatterbox). He gave her a candy cane and we left.

Visit #2 We went to our local library. She wanted to dress really pretty for Santa Claus, so she wore her Christmas dress.

This Santa wanted to rock out, so he pulled out little instruments for kids and they went to town. I think that helped lighten the mood.

When it came to sitting on his lap, she wouldn't look him in the eye, but she managed to tell him what she wanted. Our dang camera battery died, so we barely got any Santa footage, but she did get a candy cane!

Visit #3 We went to the Crown Center, along with the rest of Kansas City. It was packed!!! I knew this was probably our last chance to get a good pic with Santa, so I made sure the batteries were charged and our little girl was not scared! She sat on his lap and...

At first she would not take her eyes off of me or acknowledge Santa

Then she slowly got a little more comfortable with the jolly guy

A minute later, she was asking him for a candy cane... he gave her stickers and she felt she was jipped!

If you think about it, Santa is kind of creepy. He is this guy that is so talked about and then when you finally meet him its this stranger wearing red valore and a really funky beard and you have to sit on his lap. Anyways, I can't believe how much the Christmas spirit comes alive when you have kids. I've missed it this intense!


Tracie said...

Dude Santa freaks me out too. But I will sit on any dirty old man's lap for a bunch of cool toys.

But as for the apprehension, I'm right there with ya, Avery. We teach our kids to be leery of strangers, and not talk to weirdos (especially men), and then we take them to strange places and tell them to sit on some guy's wonder she's not havin it.

Papa John said...

Never heard Santa described as "a dirty old man?" Growing up I thought he was cool...a big part of my adventure as a kid! So was the Easter Bunny...Give Avery some personal one-on-one time with Santa, and he would become her best friend...