Saturday, January 1, 2011


Christmas is fun for a lot of reasons, but one of those is traditions. I'm sure we are the first one's to ever do this, but every year we buy an ornament to represent the year in action that we had. We pick the most significant thing that has happened to our family. Travis and I go out every year on a Christmas date. First we go to dinner, then we go to the crown center to find the perfect ornament. This is what we have so far...

2006- We got married, hence the first Christmas together ornament

2007- We moved to Kansas City so we have a KC Chiefs ornament (hey and they don't stink this year!)

2008- We had a baby, so babies first Christmas ornament

2009- This must have been a really lame year because we could not think of anything exciting that happened to us, so we picked out a garden ornament, because we grew our very first garden that Summer. Seriously we needed to get out more that year.

2010- The year Trav graduated med school so we got a doctor one

Next year we will have a baby, so at least 2011 will seem like a cool year, seriously 2009, what happened?

Its a fun little tradition that we all look forward to!


Tracie said...

Milli, I love you and your cute little traditions. I need to get on that crap.

Jen R. said...

Oh we do this too! But we still need to do 2010

TC Jolley said...

Okay so I didn't carry on the ornament tradition because mom and dads Christmas tree was so hideous, with their 80's ornaments!!! BUT, we did a "nutcracker" tradition. In 2008 (RR year) Jon picked out a skeleton nutcracker (get it?!)!!! And in 2010 (you remember out lives in 2010) I picked it out and it's so hilarous... either Jon was going to bust out in man tears from crying or bust out in man tears from laughing on Christmas morning... luckily for me, it was the latter... remind me to tell you about it later!