Friday, January 28, 2011


After the delivery, hospital life was pretty routine. It consisted mainly of me stealing Milli's hospital food, a lot of North and South (old miniseries that Milli and I are into right now), crappy sleep, and occasional visits from family and friends. All the while, our little one slept well, for the most part. She started pooping right away, and hasn't stopped. Recently, she's started those breast milk poops, where it sounds like she is blowing her rear end off. I love it. So one nickname she already has is "dumper". The other one is "hoover", because she sucks like a vacuum. Our pediatrician got a cardio consult on her because he heard a murmur (overkill, but hey, every time we have a kid we get a free echo). Otherwise, she's been a gem, and most importantly no oxygen issues (no progressive care nursery this time, yipee!)

As far as Milli is concerned, she has been doing pretty well. She got pretty crampy occasionally in the hospital, but a little naproxen goes a long way for that. I think she would have made a great pioneer.

One of my favorite parts of this whole experience was watching the two girls meet each other. They got each other presents, and Avery wore a T-shirt that she made that says "big sister". I'm not sure if even now she understands what's going on, other than that we have another kid hanging around here, but she was so excited to meet her sister, for about 4 minutes. Then she promptly forgot about her and went about her business trying to destroy the hospital. These next pictures and footage are priceless to me.

My quarters. Any of you dudes who have had to spend 2 nights on one of these bad boys have felt my pain. I think it may be the hospital's way of evening things out a little. I know, all you ladies are now screaming at the computer that it could never be even, but have you slept on one of these? I doubt I'll ever be able to get the dent out of my back.

Lastly, but not leastly, Tam the Gram deserves one more shout out. She's got 5 rings now! Her grandkids couldn't ask for a better grandma. The whole process went so smoothly, and she was constantly behind the scenes helping. In a word, she was wonderful. And she's still working for us right now, as she is on a plane with Avery as I type, taking her back to Utah for a week with family so Milli and I can get to know our newest. We miss you Avery, you be a good girl. This is how Brooklyn spent her first afternoon at home, completely zonked out with grandma. I think she liked it.


Baby Ruth said...

Oh! I love your posts! I can hear Travis talking! With that said, you're right- you deserve to sleep on that pathetic roll out couch. It makes things a pinch more even.

Avery has grown up! she is so darn cute. And I love your baby already. Milli- you look amazing, and 10 minutes? seriously, you are my hero. I miss your family so much.
Congrats you guys.

Papa John said...

What another beautiful moment in time for you both. Brooklyn Mae was sent here to "soften" her older sister, while Avery will teach her how to crawl under the benches during Sacrament meeting and swing from the trees! WOW, she is such a wonderful blessing for you both, and for us all!
Today we receive Avery for 3 whole lovin it already, and then out to KC for the BIG hurrah!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!

Elle and Clint Stallings said...

Congrats to you both on an outstanding birth and delivery!! She is adorable, we love her name. Hope it's all going well. Sending our love :)

The Dumas Family said...

YAY! I'm so glad all went well and she's here finally. Your mom is the best. Trav, you're right - Milli would make a good pioneer. I can just see her stomping around with her arms behind her throwing some fit just like she did around 2nd base :0) Love you Milli! Congratulations. I loved all the details and pictures too. You guys are both so funny!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

Congrats Milli! She looks so cute and I love her name! You also look great in all the pics!

Dave said...

Congrats. Great pics, videos, and commentary!

Allie said...

I love her. I can't wait to meet her!