Saturday, January 1, 2011

We were home for Christmas for a minute

Travis miraculously got 6 days off for Christmas, so we got the crap out of Missouri and went home to Utah. It seriously felt like 5 minutes. I would have stayed longer with Avery, but I might pop any day now. I was a little nervous to fly home at 36 weeks, but Trav reassured me that he knew what he was doing if I were to go into labor on the plane... sadly, I was still nervous (love ya babe).

So I always have a plane story, and so I won't disappoint. We were flying on a pretty small plane from KC to Utah, one with only 2 seats per row, so our seats were 2 together and 1 across the row. That seat across the row had my name on it. I was ready to sit, read my book and relax and let Travis handle Avery. We get to the row our seats are on, and this guy is sitting in my seat. He wanted to sit by his sister and wanted to know if we could switch seats with him. It was kind of awkward, because we all wanted to sit by each other, and his seat was a window seat a row back that looked really uncomfortable to squish into, especially when you have a belly. I didn't want to be a jerk and tell him no, but I also didn't want to squish into that seat. So I reluctantly told him yes, then turned to Trav and said that he could go and sit in the cramped seat and that I would sit with Avery, we had brought a DVD player, so I thought it would still be relaxing, and that I would be able to read my book. When we got up in the air, I went to put the DVD player on, and IT WAS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to entertain a very busy 2 year old for two hours all by myself!!! This is what we did.

Don't ever fly without band aids, stickers and candy. There always needs to be a contingency plan in these situations. I'm happy to report that Baby Patty is alive and well today.

When we arrived in Utah, my parents picked us up and we went to see Temple Square. Avery is obsessed with temples and we had to show her the beautiful lights.

Good ole Utah!

The next day was Christmas Eve, so we went up to Park City to Tracie's house! She is due with her 3rd boy about six weeks after me, yet she still managed to host a party, make 15 different desserts,make dinner and have the place sparkling! The ambiance was pretty amazing, but I'm gonna have to say that I probably ate about 5 thousand oreo truffles, those are my weakness!!! Thanks Tracie (that was meant sarcastic and genuine)

This was the sweetest picture. Avery hasn't seen her cousin's since August and we came down and found her and Maddox cuddling. We sure love them all! And Maddie, if you never get a little sister, you can always beat up Avery's boyfriends!

That night, we drove back down to Draper and spent the night with my parents and Sadie and Devin. Santa remembered we were in Utah, and did his job. Avery must have been a good girl, because she got a pretty good stash! Seriously, we had to take a break from opening presents, because she was over it.

This is before we saw the tree

Avery loves her Grandma!!!

So Santa brought her some princess dresses because Avery is obsessed with dressing up. She does not play with them!!! She plays with her old ghetto ones that we have at home, and these amazing dresses just sit in the box. Is this normal? I called Santa up today in front of Avery and told him that he could come and pick up the dresses because Avery didn't like them, and she was cool with it. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! That trick didn't work!

The rest of Christmas vacation was fast! We went back and forth a lot, got Avery out of her schedule and she was very crazy the rest of the trip. It was tough, but well worth it!

Here are a bunch of random pictures... I wasn't really in the mood to take a ton of pictures, but Travis was #1 video taker.

Avery had fun with momo

One of these things don't belong, although she could be Maddox's sister, they have the same almond eyes.

We miss our cousins!!!

Intense game of scrabble

Sorry about the fake kiss and sneeze on your cheek Antie Titi

6 days were a whirlwind. I can't even tell ya what we did, but it went by fast and we are home now... wait I do have a recollection of one loco night of bunco at Sid and Tam's and gosh, did someone really start teaching Zumba? It's never boring when the Butler's are involved, I've got some pretty weird aunts and uncles!

We had a very good Christmas. We really tried to show Avery the real meaning. She knew that it was Jesus's birthday and she sang to him all by herself before opening presents. Hope everyone had a great Christmas!


Tracie said...

OH my goodness. That is a HORRIBLE picture of me. What a great holiday you guys had, and how much you added to ours. It's really a love/hate relationship. I LOVE it when you come, I HATE it when you leave. So if we could just take care of the leaving part? And as for the baked goods, my New Year's resolution is to bake about a 1/4 as much this year. We'll see if that pans out. (I'm sure Junior will make that a reachable goal.) We miss you!

TC Jolley said...

I love the cousin picture :o) and I love that girl... and also the one in your belly, you are pretty Camille.