Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Last post?

Not ever, hopefully its the last post before our baby is due!

I really have wanted to update more often, but man, can I just say that January SUCKS!!! There is not much to talk about and my placenta brain is blocking any wittiness I can come up with.
Speaking of placenta, I don't know why I thought I was going to have this baby early, but its not happening! I was only a one plus at my last Dr's appointment last Thursday. This is the most pregnant I have ever been, well by one day. I had Avery when I was 39 weeks and 2 day, and I'm 39 weeks and 3 days!
This is my dilemma, my Dr is open for induction, but I really don't want to get induced if I can help it. The health benefits are one reason, but the real reason is I seriously want to experience the real life thing that we all see in movies where my water breaks and I look over at my husband and say, "honey, its time." We didn't really get that experience with Avery. The problem is, my mom is coming in town on Thursday and will be here for 9 days, so I kind of want her help while she is here. I just can't decide what to do!!! Any suggestions on how to get things moving is appreciated(besides the obvious one, pervs).
Anyway, I think I'm all ready for this baby. I washed a million baby clothes, sanitized my whole house, finished up her room and pulled out the huge amounts of baby items that we use. For a little 6 pound thing, they sure require a ton, I forgot!

I think Avery is understanding that a baby is coming soon as well. We talk about baby sister all of the time. She wants to name her "goo goo ga ga." We will see. Its seriously going to be a crazy experience with two!
I'm really hoping that I don't have to take a 40 week picture and that this will be my last!

Avery is going through this fun stage right now. She is obsessed with getting married. Not for the boy, but for the pretty dress. She asks me everyday about getting married and the temple and wearing a pretty dress. Whenever she sees anyone in a pretty dress she asks if they are going to get married. Lately, she has been watching our wedding video. I snuck a picture of her wearing the dress she wore at Sadie's wedding while watching our wedding video. Check out her cool shoes!

She is going to marry her little buddy, Jude. We are cool with that!
Yeah, so hopefully the next post is a million pictures of our cute baby girl! I'm due on Saturday! Peace out!


Allie said...

I got induced. It went great for me! I did it because my doc was leaving town and I wasn't about to have the on call doc do it. Also, Matt had photo shoots booked and we didn't want to worry about it. Do what you gotta do! But I would love to wake up and say, "It's time, honey! You did this to me!"

paulnmea said...

Oh your posts make me laugh! And as far as being induced, it is a tough one. I would say get induced if your last one went fast. Otherwise, let nature take its course! But good luck and I can't wait to hear about her arrival.

The Dumas Family said...

I know exactly how you feel. I wanted to go on my own so bad since I was induced with the other 2. I wanted the movie scenario too! It didn't happen and I tried everything. My Dr. wouldn't let me go too long since he knew the baby was big so I was induced one day after my due date. The good news, my inductions went faster and faster each time. You could ask your Dr. to break your water and not have any pitocin. That's what I did this last time and it was so much better. Good luck whatever you decide. I hope you can have the baby while your mom is there, but I'm sure she'll come back. Can't wait to see pictures of her so don't take too long to post them after you have her.

John and Erin said...

I say get that little gal here! Can't wait to hear the news. Love ya

Crystal said...

I have been induced 3 times now and this time it was so easy. i would have to say that i wasnt dialating either until we did the perv thing. i am not kidding...i got contractions that night and thought i was about ready to go in to the hospital. I didnt however, but the next time i went to get checked I was a 4. I got induced the next day because the hospital is so far from were I live and I was in labor for 6 hours....it was great!

The Ceder House's said...

The movies are overrated. I thought the same thing- I wanted that experience- o well. I love being induced because I am a control freak. I like knowing when, where, and how. Good Luck- I hope you have had that baby by now!

McAtee Family said...

I have had 3 inductions and have always wanted what you see in the movies, but yet to experience it. I tried everything with Sophie (even the obvious one and was just really ticked that I did the deed and nothing worked - if it got me into the situation, shouldn't it at least be able to get me out of the situation?) So no grand ideas on what would help her get here sooner.

I can say though that going from 1 to 2 is crazy and takes up way, way more energy than you thought. So, if you can be induced and be able to take full advantage of your mom and the 9 days that she is here, do it, cause I know that I needed all the help my mom could offer. Good news is that going from 2 to 3 was a piece of cake!!

Good luck!!

McAtee Family said...

Oh, I am just realizing that I am posting a week after you wrote this - hoping you don't see my response for awhile b/c you have already had her!