Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cut it!

Is 25 months a long time to wait to get your daughter's first hair cut? Because that's how long it took before Avery got hers. Given, she didn't have hair until she was about 6 months, but still it was time. Just look at this rats nest!
I knew that this day was coming soon as every morning Avery would have screaming fests as I tried to rake through her snarles. I decided to talk to her about a possible hair cut. She shut it down immediately. I kept mentioning it to her, and little by little she decided it would be OK. I'm not going to lie, I had to convince myself as well because I didn't want to cut her first little baby hair off, but we were both just gonna have to do it!
Jen, our neighbor across the street, has a little studio in her basement. We walked over there with bribes of suckers if she was a good girl. And a good girl she was! I have never seen her sit so still in my life. Maybe she should get a hair cut every Sunday at church?
Here are the after pics

A well deserved sucker (for both of us!)


McAtee Family said...

Both of our girls have had their first cuts around the same time - it took forever for their hair to grown and then forever for me to work up the nerve to cut it so I totally understand. It looks super cute!!

Allie said...

Kate just barely got her hair cut. More like hairs cut because she only had like 3 hairs that were uneven. Her hair is taking forever to come in!
Avery looks adorable.

Amber said...

Oh her little haircut is so cute! Yes I'm slightly jealous- Carmyn is no where close to needing a haircut- but we will get there :) I can't wait to pictures of this new baby girl- I need to see another preggo pic- I'm still not convinced that your pregnant from your last picture! I hope everything is going well- I miss our playdates and hanging out! We left so quick I hardly got to say goodbye to anyone- luckily I have your blog to look at so I don't feel so out of the loop :) Take care