Thursday, September 19, 2013

We made it through our first national disaster in Arizona


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
haboob (Arabicهَبوب‎ "blasting/drafting") is a type of intense dust storm
carried on an atmospheric gravity current. Haboobs occur regularly in arid
regions throughout the world.

We escaped out of tornado alley and thought that living in Arizona would be a breeze, but little did we know that the desert has its own enemies.
The Haboob
Its a wall of sand blowing straight towards you.

We were back in the valley going to IKEA and this is what we experienced.

Can you see the wall of sand? Scary!

We ran into IKEA and the Swedish store saved us.

OK, I don't know if you can tell, but I'm being a little sarcastic! The midwest is still way scarier, and I'm kind of mocking Tice because she literally was caught in one 2 years ago and hasn't stopped talking about her survival since!

I love Haboobs and can't wait till the next one!


Tice said...

You suck! Oh... and google it. Baboon July, 5th 2011... it was the freakiest thing. You think you are so cocky!! I will await your apology!!!

Also... I think it's funny that people only comment in posts that THEY are mentioned in!!!!

Tice said...

U of U

Jen R. said...

Tice, I just commented on one my child is mentioned in and then read your comment, so I decided to comment here to break the trend.

Tice said...

Jen your comment made me laugh!!! HAHAHAHA! I only make comments on ones that I am in (sometimes when my family gets mentioned I may say something!)... it was just a deep thought by TC Jolley!!!!! HAHA!

Tice said...

Auto correct on my first comment from Haboob to Baboon... HAHAHAHAHA! Just noticed, and I don't even care!

Kimberly3 said...

Oh I love that Avery too, she is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!