Thursday, September 19, 2013

Last year of preschool

This is Avery's last year of preschool until she starts Kindergarten next year! 

She had braids the night before, so we went with the fro look!

Every year I do the same interview with her, and so here it is.

1. Name and Age? past 4 and three quarters
2. Grade Level? Mrs Sylvia's class
3. My school? Mrs. Sylvia's class
4. Teacher's name? Mrs. Sylvia
5. Best Friend? Elise
6. Favorite Color? Pink
7. When I grow up, I want to be? A Princess
8. Favorite snack? Oatmeal
9. Favorite cereal? Lucky Charms, Recess Puffs, Cinnamon toast crunch
10. Favorite book? Curious George
11. Favorite holiday? My Birthday
12. Favorite food? Mac n cheese
13. Least favorite food? Toast with only butter and blueberries
14. Favorite game? Candy land
15. Favorite Summer memory? Going to Utah
16. Three words that describe Avery? Happy, miss Adelyn

I love this girl and can't believe she is almost 5!

1 comment:

Jen R. said...

OH my gosh, her three words are breaking my heart! PS. You didn't update your blog for forever so I didn't check for awhile and now there's like a million! Well done.