Thursday, September 19, 2013

A quick getaway

Two weeks after we arrived in Globe, I was off again on another adventure. My cousin was getting married in St. George. So I ditched the hubby and kids, picked up my sister and headed North to St. George. Can I just say how nice it was to actually attend a family event? I have missed so many weddings, baptisms, graduations, etc. Living closer is going to rock!
Oh yeah, and we hung out with this guy. We are totally tight with Jimmer now. And if you are wondering why someone took a picture during a prayer, direct all of your questions to one Letice Jolley. She went a little crazy this weekend! She stalked Jimmer. The funny thing about it is that she doesn't know a thing about Jimmer. She has never seen him play. She had to keep asking who he was. But every chance she got, she took a picture of him. It was awesome, he probably totally enjoyed himself and felt comfortable the whole time.
Our family went a little star crazy. This picture was supposed to only have Tice and I in it, but all of a sudden my aunt, and her kids jumped in, and then of course my Grandma had to be in a picture with Jimmer. Again, he probably felt so freaked out happy to know that he has stalkers fans.

Oh yeah, maybe I should talk a little about the wedding.
It was beautiful.
And it was so much fun to be around my big family

 Congrats Jake and Shayli, you are a gorgeous couple!

 And if you are feeling sorry for Travis because I left him alone all weekend, don't.

They had a blast with their cousins

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