Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Truth...

Since Trav is out of town and took the laptop, all of our pictures of Thanksgiving are with him, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk about the movie New Moon! Don't act like you don't want to indulge in this conversation. As the title of this blog says, I'm going to be honest about my feelings. I hate to be this person, but I started reading the Twilight books years before the hype. When I told people what kind of books I was reading, they would just look at me and feel sorry for my husband. But then all of a sudden the craze hit, and I didn't look so silly after all.

As the books started to get more and more popular, I hid my true feelings and would only express my deep love for Twilight to close friends and family members. I didn't want to be one of those "bandwagon freaks." I was an original freak. So to rebel against the "BWF's," I laid off my true excitement when the movies started coming out. Can I just admit though, that I was SO excited when the New Moon movie came out.

This was by far my favorite book of the series... lets be honest, Stephanie got a little carried away near the end of the series, and in my opinion "Breaking Dawn" should have been called "Break my eye sockets so I can't read this nonsense." Sorry, that's another post for another day, back to New Moon. Most opinions out there say that New Moon was their least favorite book because Edward wasn't in most of it and because it was slow. I think the reason I loved it so much is because Stephanie, although I don't think she is the best writer in the world, did a great job illustrating the pain of losing someone. If anyone has ever experienced losing someone through a death, a break up, or a move or something, I think they could identify with this book. At least I did for one point in my life, I know that is why this book made such an impression on me. It brought back those sad feelings and in one point of the movie, I'm a little embarrassed to admit, I got a little choked up. Wow, I can't believe I really admitted that, good thing my blog is private now. Now that I'm on a roll, I'll just say that New Moon (the book) was a really emotional and almost beautiful story. I loved the whole idea of having such a perfect love end not because they fell out of love, but because one person had to protect the other. I loved how Bella had to cope with the loss and the things she did to get back to a normal life and how Jacob was there to help her.

Reading the books, I was all about Edward. Jacob didn't make the cut. But when I saw the movie, I kept finding myself rooting for Jacob. Obviously Jacob is smokin' and has a hot bod and all of that, but Edward was so lame! I'll admit, when I found out who was playing Edward, I wasn't too excited. But he actually proved me wrong when I saw Twilight, and I was willing to accept him. In New Moon, I don't know if it was the pasty makeup or the weird contact lenses; he was nasty looking to me. OK and its not all about looks either, his personality was so blase'! I found myself wanting Bella and Jacob to get it on in her house, but stupid Edward had to call and ruin everything.

So now I'm at a loss. I don't feel loyal to Edward at all anymore, when at one point in my life he was the man... besides Travis of course... luv ya babe! In conclusion, I'm going back into my dormant Twilight lifestyle. I will act like its not that cool that Eclipse is coming out in June, I will secretly tivo all of the interviews on TV (especially the ones with Jacob), and I will act really annoyed when Breaking Dawn comes out, but that one probably won't be an act. It has felt really good to get this off my chest. For the two viewers besides my mom that actually read this blog, thanks for enduring this cliche post!


Jill said...

Oh Milli...I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling...confusion? disappointment? surprise?...

I gave book one a try. I just can't stomach the series and I don't understand the hupe, but I'm clearly the minority. My only question now is,

Are you on Edwards team? or...?...the other one?

Crystal said... are truly a crack up. I couldnt help but laugh. poor jilly is just missing out. I like the books and movie too! Hope you are doing well far far away. You little girl is a doll!

Mama Kath said...
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Tracie said...
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Tracie said...

OK OK OK OK, I have SO much to say, where am I going to start?

First things first, Milli, you were cool, before cool was cool.

That said, I TOTALLY agree with you in almost everything you said!

The one thing I agree with the most, is that Edward/dufus boy is a D-BAG! And through some of my own TV watching investigation, I found out why (Sherlock Wilton here.)

I LOVE Edward in principle, but was definitely disappointed in the actor they chose. I watched an interview with him once, and he was asked what made girls all over the planet so obsessed with the relationship between Edward and Bella, and he answered: "Well, uh (awkward laugh here),'s the raw sexual magnetism between the two."


That might be a small part of it...but the biggest part, perhaps unbeknownst to the girls that even spend all their breathing moments worshiping Edward, is that they love the fact that he is a GOOD GUY...a guy who wants to WAIT, and CHERISH the love of his life, instead of ravish her the second he sets eyes upon her.

It is my far from expert opinion that EVERY girl, deep down, wants a guy who loves her that much, he can wait. Does Bella not love Edward more, because he constanyl wears the chastity belt that she is trying to rip off:) It is for that precise reason that so many find this story to be uniquely awesome....whether they were raised that way or not....

My two cents. The guy that play the vamp is a dork. And if his motivation is the "raw, sexual tension," no wonder he is a BAD actor. The movies really could be so much better without him.

Jacob is hot. He's also just coming out of fourth grade, I think.

Man, I'm getting old?

Papa John said...

Absolutely no comment!

Allie said...

I highly respect your thoughts on the book New Moon. Good call on why you liked it. I didn't like it that much but mostly because it was so long and I think Stephanie Meyer isn't a good author. I think only good authors should be able to write books over 400 pages. BUT, i do respect why you liked it.

I am going to have a hard time seeing breaking dawn when it comes out. I will be forced to see it out of curiosity, but I'll be in the corner ot the theater by myself so I don't disturb those around me with my laughter and gasps. I HATED BREAKING DAWN.

Brandi Hastings said...

Love your thoughts, I agree with them. Love Edward in the book, not so much in the movies. I will be watching those TIVOed interviews along with you!

TC Jolley said...

You know how I feel and I get to voice my oppinion as I read the first 3 books... HATED IT... ALL!!!... liked the movies (so far) more than the books. Harry Potter rocks my world :) It was fun watching it with you though... I gasped (outloud) at Jacob's body... I think dad did too!

La said...

remember when we went to pei wei and talked about the twilight books all night? (you know, back when i lived in OP?) you are the one i credit with starting me on the twilight crack. thanks!
*can't wait til eclipse*

Quela said...

Sorry to disagree with you, but i personally like Edward in the books and in the movies, I just try to put out of my mind that Robert Pattinson is a total lamo in real life. Yes, I think Jacob is super hot in the movie, but I'm still all the way on Team Edward. Love the books, love the movies, can't wait for the next one!
And yes, I'm a little bit of a BWF. Not super crazy though. My BWF sister went to the midnight movie and sprayed glitter spray all over her so her skin would look like diamonds. Ha! I didn't actully see New Moon till after Thanksgiving. And no glitter spray here.

Mandy said...

Alright, you know how much I love you. And you know I think you are wonderfully witty and smart in all things. But I too am one who hated the 2nd book. Maybe my life has been too easy, but the whole "I must be noble and leave you while you are alive" was totally lame to me. I thought they were just lame. I have ALWAYS hated Bella though. HATED her, felt she was dumb and didnt deserve Edward and did totally not understand why he liked her. That is probably why I did like the wild ride she took us on in Breaking Dawn. I liked that for once Bella had to think about someone else than just her stupid self. I just hated her!
Anyway, with my hate came the movie hate. Totally wanted to sob hystericaly during Twilight because it took so much of my life away. Still have not seen New Moon, but I want to, just to see if it is better.
Wow, I sound bitter, I dont even like myself anymore. Sorry

Nate & Lindsey said...

I'm not going to lie, I tried talking to my friends about the New Moon once and started bawling! I have ALWAYS been a Jacob fan (back me up Linds Sharp) Your post was perfect for how I was feeling when the book came out! I wish you knew how much Nate loves you! No words to describe it....

Tam the Gram said...

Glad you are out of the closet--didn't know! I agree, the second was my favorite for your exact reasons--she had a nack for describing pain--I always felt that Stephanie was a "recovering something".
Yes, Dad did gasp as did the entire audience--unfortunately, that was the most memorable part of the movies--the collective audience gasp when Jacob removed his shirt to wipe Bella's blood!