Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween... finally!

 Halloween was so much better this year
than last year. I was kind of like a deer in a headlight last year!

Our neighborhood had the annual FHE Halloween progressive dinner.

We went as the lion, scarecrow and tin man

Since Sid and Tam were here, we roped them into the theme... not that it was very hard! (ps Sid is the wizard of oz)
They will make very cute cubs one day
A couple people saw her in the corner of their eye and honestly thought she was a real dog

Here is the rest of our crazy neighborhood
They did another Bible story this year... Noah's Ark

The crowd went wild!

This was the actual Halloween night



And also, no one ever told me that its really the parents who score on Halloween night... so much candy!!!
Hope ya'll had a great one!


La said...

she makes an adorable lion!

Crystal said...

looks like fun. Its great that you havea great ward of young people to hang out with. My group is 50 and older! lol

Mandy said...

Im just proud she was happy for part of the time! When Addi was one she cried the ENTIRE day. Im sure she was sick or something but did she need to ruin my day too! So angry at her that day!
I love her as a lion, you know that is Roy's mascot right, I feel that was a little shout out to me!

Papa John said...

What a gosh darn great neighborhood you all are in! I even saw our waitress in one of those pics. We miss ya soooo much, especially Avery! If Kathryn would ever settle on a date, we would be there. But in her ole age, she is "flip-flopping" in her decision-making more than she ever has. Oh well, until we meet again...enjoy Phoenix, and good luck to Mr. T with his interview in Tempe!

Quela said...

Love the costumes! Nice Idea.