Friday, August 2, 2013

Fish in the making

If its June, than that means its time for the annual Riverside swimming lessons. We love living in Riverside because there is a casino here that subsidizes everything! We get major discounts on the YMCA and we also get free swimming lessons every Summer.

This year was a special year because I self graduated Brooklyn from the Mama and me class. She did awesome being in a class with mostly 3 and 4 year-olds.

The lifeguard asked me at one point if Brooklyn knew how to talk because she just made baby sounds like "goo goo ga ga." It was so funny because the second her lesson ended we would walk over to our towel and she wouldn't stop talking!

Avery also did great in her class. After she completed her course they wanted to move her up to the 5 and 6 year old class. She can doggy paddle with the best of them, we need to work on her strokes.

Matt was the best teacher!

Brooklyn's cute class, Matt andAlison McFarland, this picture is for you and you know exactly why! We've come a long way!

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