Friday, August 2, 2013

Smithville Lake

I am so mad that we didn't discover the wonderful sandy beaches of Smithville lake until 1 month before we moved. What the crap!!! 

We were supposed to go camping with the Hastings that weekend, but there was a storm predicted for that night, so we decided to just beach it during the day. Oh yeah, but first we went on a bike ride. I don't think anyone was thrilled to go on the bike ride, because we were a little scared after our last bike episode and I think we all just wanted in on the beach!
After the short ride, we got our beach on. We were there for over 4 hours. The kids were in Heaven. The adults were in Heaven. We swam, ate lots of snacks, played in the sand, reminisced and got some sun. Being with the Hastings is like butta'. So smooth and comfortable! I'm just really mad we didn't do this more often. I love Kansas City!
Travis, don't stand too close to Reece, she will make you look ghastly white!

The Hastings little bunch

The Hastings big bunch

The Charles big bunch

They could be twins, born 1 day apart!
Is Daddy sharing his cough medicine?

Cleaning off all the sand, it was everywhere!

Driving there is one of the best parts, its like a roller coaster. I love the rolling hills and country

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