Saturday, April 3, 2010

Where you at?

So the dreadful match has passed and we have survived... Drum roll please................. we will be living in Kansas City, Missouri for the next three years! Kind of anticlimactic huh! He will be doing a family residency at Research hospital. Our plans are to possibly to an ER fellowship after, but we are just taking it one day at a time. We are so glad we don't have to move, although Tuscon would have been pretty nice, but come what may and love it, sorry Tice! We are excited. He starts residency in July, if anyone wants to hang out then, let me know. I'm proud of you Trav!


Papa John said...

WOW!!! So much to comment on during this vinette...
I loved the video on "hyper" and "calm". I can tell already how much fun we are going to have during our five day babysitting extravaganza in May!
While she was playing the piano, shaking her head from side to side...the only thing missing were the tux tails...what a budding pianist!

Laura said...

YAY! Congrats! Now we can start hanging out more and more!!! :)

Susan said...

Congrats on the match!