Friday, April 16, 2010

We Love April So Far cont.

Lots of egg huntsAvery, its OK that you didn't find a ton of eggs. You are about quality not quantity anyways, you would find an egg and then search its contents making sure it was worth the search.
Notice that her hat is on, she was a pro with wearing it by the time Easter came!

Here are the Egg Hunter cheerleaders

Every year Trav gets my basket and I get his and we hide them. I couldn't find mine for forever! He threw all my clothes from my dresser in his closet and hid it in my drawer. Who would have thought. Again Trav, I'll get you next year!

This was the loot
My mom sent her a cute Easter dress, a book and some cute shoes. Thanks Mom!

And then of course, we had to eat a huge Easter breakfast
I can't get enough of our amazing weather... just a little nervous for the Summer, because we have already reached 85 a couple of times. It might be one sweaty, smelly, humid Summer, but until then we will just keep enjoying April!

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