These are the people...
Kitchen Cabinet:
Kitchen Eating Area:
Kitchen Patio:
Living Room:
Baby Room:
We did a "unisex" color of lime green; but bought this stencil just incase Spud is a girl... sorry if your a boy Spud; we didn't buy anything for that scenario.
Stuff we did when we weren't working:
Took walks: Ate:
Took in a Royals game (they lost)
I just have to thank my fam for coming. I know that Kansas city is the funnest city to come and visit and I'm sure they were super ancy to go out and party (ps that is sarcasm) but they worked so dang hard! I have such a dedicated and loyal family. My mom won the award for work horse. She is crazy, she never stops... we were spent! TC wins the award for best painter. Anything she would suggest I would take because I have no clue what looks good! My dad won the most random. He went and bought a paint buy number picture at the craft store and colored it during the down times and then bought a frame and put it in our basement... Shoot I need to get a picture of that! Travis won the award for best studyier. He had to take his boards that week and was way stressed! I won the award for most improved. I think I have an ounce of confidence now. Oh and Anabelle won the award for cutest.
Fun! And you did end up doing the exact same color as Riley's room..looks good! Spud is going to love it! I agree have an awesome family!
I like your family. I like you too!
The place looks good! Can't wait to hear what you're having. Oh, and how do you find out when your peeps have updated their blogs?? I need that, it will totally save me some major blog browsing time.
Extreme Home Makeover mixes with Trading Spaces......Love the new looks. Cute. I bet Spudette is a Spud just because you bought that stencil....Ha!
You've got a great fam millhouse! You're place looks so cute.. I wish I could see it in person.
Thanks for posting pictures of your place! Looks like you guys did a good job! See you tomorrow, right?
so did you post this at work or at home because you now have internet???
I also wanted to say, before it posted my comment for me, that I think it looks good and I can't wait to see it!
Looks good, Milli! Very sassy.
I LOVE the colors that you picked to paint your house! I really would love to meet you and Daisie sometime for lunch or something! We are moving out there the very end of July, so maybe in August or sometime we could meet up!
good job family!!! the colors look really good. You are much braver than me with color I keep sticking with browns and neutrals. I haven't found a color i love yet.
Milli, I still haven't recouped from our girls "vacation", actually I loved bonding with your little cute house and your community! Barring the storms, I really like your area and the little cafe on the corner--great biscuits! Thanks for being such a good hostess, I love you.
Millie, this looks great. I can't wait to come over and see it. We miss you guys.
Hi Milli,
I am so excited for you to have a baby. You are going to be the cutest Mom! Next time you are in Utah I would love to see you.
Wow! I am leaving my first comment ever on a blog! Your new home looks lovely like a place you would want to relax and meditate! I love it....and you.
Hooray for the Jones fam! I love you guys. I am happy to see the update of your condo..looks great. I want to visit! Rumor has it that we might all try to meet for a run next year. I am so in!
I'm totally impressed, your place looks great! Now can I get your whole fam to come work on my house??
Milli- Love your cute townhome! I know what you mean about always wanting to be home in UTAH! Just be glad you get to be in the USA! I can't wait to hear what you are having!! Congrats on being prego!
Lindsey (Bradley) Johnsen
O and I am jealous you got to see Tiff and Dave! I love them. :)
wow looks great and I am so happy that you are in a bigger house for your new bab. I really want to know what you are having....i think you know and you just arnt telling. When are you guys coming back to utah or are you coming back to utah? I bet it was nice to see your family
It's OK having a girl first! Your place looks awesome. Thank goodness for your wonderful family.
Good work! Families are the best because they always help you do everything! Can't wait to hear what spud will be!
No, seriously, how do you get that thing on the side that says when people update? I NEED it... I can't sleep till I have it.
I miss you Milli! When is your shower? TC emailed me a while ago. Haven't got an invite and I'm a little offended...not gonna lie.
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