Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lots to come...

I feel like there is so much going on! I'm super anxious for the next couple of weeks. Let me tell you why!

1. Family Chores

As I said before, we have moved! We are in our roomy three bedroom townhouse. I cannot even believe the difference in space. There are some drawers that I haven't even used yet, and I feel like it is a sin to not fill them. The coolest thing about our home is that is is straight from the 70's. My friends that live in the same co-op have all new tile in the bathroom and new appliances, but I have a bright yellow and green bathroom floor. My thoughts are if you miss the toilet, it will blend right in with the floor! We also have a puke yellow stove that I am hoping will break so it will be replaced with the newer models. I don't know why we have been skipped but I might just go with the 70's and decorate the bathrooms with disco balls and psychedelic patterns. My mom and TC are coming (with Anabelle) on Saturday to help paint because I am very retarded in the home decor department. I'm way excited for them to come (since I haven't seen them for a whole 10 days... he he). I love that they are flying all this way so they can do chores. I love family.

2. Board Brains

Travis is studying for boards like a mad man! He takes one test next week, and another in 2 weeks. Some symptoms of too much studying are: he will ask me really obvious things; for example we were packing one night and moving the next day, and he saw me looking in the fridge and said, "your not packing the food right now are you? We aren't moving till tomorrow." Duh Trav. Other symptoms are: forgetting to shower... wait is that new? Forgetting to eat, I am doing all I can to remind him! This is one symptom that I am very surprised at; he is being very responsible. He was so organized in the move, he has helped others move, he has arranged for services we need for our new home (one was the direct TV, so there might have been other motives). He has been amazing! I sometimes get home from work and I feel sorry for myself because I am so tired and I just think things should be done when I get home (us to be 100% moved in, laundry, dishes) so then I get ornery that I have to do some of the things. I forget that Trav has to study his guts out. I'm 100% sure he will pass, but he wants to get a really good grade so that we will have more choices for residency and where to live. I'm grateful for his motivation! He's cute.

3. Dilemma
We are finding out for real what the baby is going to be on Monday. He/she better cooperate this time or I may have a seizure. This entry is getting long, but I have a lot to talk about in this area. I have always wanted a boy since I was young because I grew up with all girls, and I'm sick of them (no offense sisters, but you understand). This whole time I have been pregnant I have had a strong intuition that Spud is a girl. I was pretty dead set on it in fact. Then I got hit by a call from my sweet Grandma Gladys. She has been known to have very impacting dreams. She dreams of the sex's of babies and has been dead right on all. She called me and said that she had a dream we had a curly haired boy. So now I'm totally confused. Do I trust my pregnant woman instincts, or do I listen to the voice of wisdom?

Side story: My mom told me that last summer there was a dove in their backyard that lived there the whole summer while Sadie was pregnant with Anabelle. She said the bird was beautiful and very sweet. When Anabelle was born the bird never came back and Anabelle has the characteristics of that bird so she said that the bird was Anabelle's spirit. She said that this year there is a bluebird in the yard that has come to live. She is assuming that this is Spud's spirit. One day she left the door open and the bird flew in and crapped on the table. This is what I have to look forward to!

4. Wedding Bells

Lastly I am looking forward to flying home next Thursday for my brother-in-law, Wes's wedding. I know, I was just home 2 weeks ago, but lay off, I'm being supportive! This time we will only be in town for 12 minutes! I'm so excited for Wes and Rachael. Wes is 36, and has never been married. I promise he falls in the 1% of normal Mormon men who have never been married and are 36. Just couldn't find the right one (no offense if you are 36, Mormon and have never been married). He is a handsome guy with the funniest sense of humor, and his pocket book doesn't seem to be hurting either. He is marrying a fun girl named Rachael. She is my age, so he is robbing the cradle! Anyways, we are excited to see them so happy; and for him to finally take the plunge!

Whoa, that was a lot of stuff. I won't feel bad if you had to take naps in between reading. Just had a lot on my mind! I will post pics as soon as my home computer is up and running!


Camille said...

Milli, you know I support 70's decor...remember I live in the Shag'n Shanty? I am so jealous that TC and your mom are coming out. I wanna come! Can't wait to hear what kind of baby you are having!

Becky Johnson said...

Oh, I am SO excited for you to find out the sex of the baby!! DEFINITELY keep us all posted. By the way, I was SUPER bummed to visit TC and find out you guys had just left. I want to see your cute tummy!

Boydston Family said...

seriously go with disco ball theme that would be awesome. the little blue bird may or may not be your baby but one thing they do havein common is your baby will probably crap on your table. anymore flat stomach pregnancy pics?

Jordan said...


What a great post--they're always really fun to read. I just loved the part about Grandma Gladys and the dove and bluebird. I'll be excited to know who's right!

Allie said...

You better call me the instant you find out the gender! I've been thinking boy for you, too, since you told me you were peeg. Can't wait to hear! Have fun decorating!

TC Jolley said...

I was sure you were having a girl... then grandma. I can't go against her Medium powers! See you in 36 hours!!!!

Cynthia and Bryan said...

Well actually...Knox pooped on the floor the other day between diaper changes, so I guess it is what you have to look forward too !! Good luck with the decorating !

S&J Jones Family said...

I'm excited for you to find out. You should text me when you get a chance :) I don't have any guesses.

Anika said...

Milli- the avacado and mustard appliances are so classic! What's not to love!? JK! I swear my mom had the "mustard" ones... even the washer and dryer. I'm excited to hear what you're having! I hope Spud cooperates. Tell Travis that eating is vital to survival. JK!

Shelley said...

What is it? What is it? What is it? Spud or Spudette....C'mon it's 10:00 already, weren't you finding out today??!?!? Post. Post. Post. I'm so excited! That Spud better reveal himself.

Isaac Family said...

Let us know what you're having pronto! This is so exciting! Glad to hear you're in a newer better place!

Crystal said...

i am way excited for you to find out the gender and to come home for a minute. So is sady your younger sister? I am guessing that she is. Wow what an amazing story! I hope that you are feeling good and pregnant. it sucks but enjoy it it will all be over very soon. have a great day!

the murdocks said...

Milli! Where have I been? You updated last thursday and I just barely read this. DID YOU FIND OUT????????? You better update this minute and fill me in. I bet it's a I right?? Ok...other than that, it was a slice of heaven being able to see you while you were here. I keep thinking about those wings now. mmmmmmmmm....

Camille said...

Okay, I am waiting (impatiently) to find out whether it is a spud or a spudette.

Hope you girls are having a good time!

Lauren Perry said...

Milli- I am dying to know the sex of the babe! It was fun chatting last week!

Shelley said...

Milli - You CANNOT tell us that you are finding out on Monday and still Tuesday evening and NO POST! Do you even know how many times I've had to check your blog.....UGH!

the murdocks said...

Pissed...are you just saying that you found out so we will all keep checking your blog and write comments? If you won't announce it publicly, please text me asap.

Erin Bradley said...

Hi Milli- I can't remember if I already told you congrats on the little one to come!! It is so fun reading about all the exciting things going on in your life. You will be such a fun mom!!

Jill said...

I want to know. Boy or girl? Hmm...remember how I'm a little psychic? I say girl. ha ha. You would have a baby that craps.

Jill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tam the Gram said...

You are so funny, I am exhausted reading about your adventures, but happy to have shared some of them! Birds--who knows! I too am proud of Travis! Not only am I pathetic in blogging, but alwo in commenting. Sorry, will repent soon.