Leo is changing so fast! He is not only walking, but running like a champ!
He is talking like crazy. He will say things I had no idea he knew. His first sentence was "I want out." He said it at about 15 months. Now pretty much every sentence starts with "I want..." Its so cute how he says "want," he says it without saying the "w" or "a" so it sounds like "I nt baba." Its fun figuring out what he is saying! He knows his whole familys' names. He knows how to count to 5. He knows a lot of his shapes, like diamond, heart, oval, triangle, but for some reason, he calls the star a baba?
He knows his body parts now. We were a little worried for awhile, because when you would ask him where his nose was, he would point to his ears every time! He pokes my eyes out every morning when he points to my eyes and says "eyes." Its kind of cute!
He loves songs. He loves "you are my sunshine" and "twinkle twinkle."
He loves to take a bath for 3 minutes, and is out in a flash!
He knows most of the animal sounds now.
He is starting to watch cute little lullaby shows. He was say, "I nt no." which means, "I want a show." I'm pretty sure these little shows have taught him his shapes and counting!
He is pretty easy going, especially when he is in a crowd of kids!
He loves throwing balls. He is getting into trucks and cars. He calls cars "mmmmmm." I think because that is what they sound like!
He wants to be involved in everything. When I'm cooking, he wants up on the counter, if I'm doing my hair, he wants up on the bathroom counter. He follows me around the house and I kind of love it.
He is a mama's boy, but also a Dada's boy. He cries when Travis leaves for work.
He is a mooch. Anytime anyone is eating, he will walk up to them and eat their food. And everyone gives him their food. He is spoiled!
When he sees a tomato, he pulls his tongue inside and out of his mouth making a blah blah blah blah sound. He thinks that is what they are called.
He loves to eat sausage, eggs, tomatoes, loves broccoli, most fruits. He isn't a fan of chicken nuggets anymore or bread or meat really. He loves his milk babas. and still drinks a baby bottle before bed every night!
He weighs about 25 pounds. He was 75% for height and 55% for weight at his 17 month appointment.
He is so dang sweet and gets doted on all day long from his mama and sisters! He is so so loved!
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