Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Decision of a lifetime

We have made the big decision, the decision to move to Globe Arizona. Phew! I'm glad its over. It was kind of stressful. I still don't know what to expect, but just knowing that we are doing it makes me feel a lot better inside.

The town is going to be so different from anything I have ever experienced. It is tiny, in the mountains/desert and the housing is well, scarce?

For some reason I just felt fine with living there. I think Travis could live anywhere in the world and be happy, he is easy, but I'm a little more high maintenance. I wasn't too sure in the beginning, but I just had a good feeling that everything would be OK.

Its a great financial opportunity to move to Globe. It will really help us get out of medical school debt, but that's not 100% the reason I was OK with going there. I just felt that maybe our family needs this experience. We don't know how long we will be there, we hope to stay for at least 6 years, but who knows, we may just love this little ole town?

I was running today, and I was overcome with a lot of thoughts and emotions. I was just thinking about all of the things I want to do with my life and my family. I was thinking about the kind of home I want to have. For some reason I have felt that I have had to go through a lot of experiences to grow. I know that marrying Travis and moving far away was something I needed to have to help us grow strong in our relationship. I also know that moving out of Utah was good for me. I always hated that person who said that Utah is a bubble. I don't think its a bubble, I love Utah and it really is like no place on earth, but it was so good for me to learn about different cultures and ways of life. I just feel like Globe Arizona is another place to challenge and teach me how to be.

The last couple of weeks I have been a little emotional thinking about leaving Kansas City. I have learned to love this place. I'm obsessed with the actual downtown. The Farmer's market, the restaurants, the shops, I didn't go there nearly enough. I don't even want to talk about all of the people we are going to miss. They have been our family for so many years. This is going to rip my heart to pieces. Also, we have been going and seeing lots of houses due to the parade of homes here, and jeez, there are so many amazing places to live. Sometimes I forget that there is life outside the Riverside town homes. Believe me, I hate the weather in Kansas City, but the lush rolling green hills and Midwest lifestyle could seriously keep me here. I now understand why people leave their big city lifestyles and move to the Midwest to raise their children.

All in all, I still don't know where our family will be in ten years. For some reason, I get doubtful we will live in Arizona forever, don't kill me Tice, but I just haven't felt it lately. But maybe? Its just too hard to say. I don't know if we will ever move back to Utah, there are so many pros and cons about Utah. Utah is like an ex boyfriend to me. Its comfortable, tempting and easy, but in the end is it the best place for our family?

I have no idea what I'm writing about right now, I just know that my run today was very therapeutic. For some reason I just wanted to write this all down. It will be really neat to read this in 20 years and see where we are. Come what may!

Kansas city

Globe, Arizona


Tracie said...

I love you.

Globe's about to have it's world rocked!

Tam the Gram said...

Beautiful sentiments.....

Papa John said...

An ADVENTURE, with great journey ahead for all of you...