Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Shizzle

2013 so far...

Travi got an owie. Lets just chalk another painful, expensive surgery up to church basketball. We have had a couple in our ward this year. Maybe these old men should stay away from a carpeted gym? 

Look at the difference
Poor guy. I feel so bad for him. I am trying my best to take care of him, but its really hard when you have two needy kids on top of that and no family to help. Don't get me wrong, we have had lots of great services from our friends, but its not the same as pawning the kids off on a Grandma. (I am not trying to make any Grandpa's or ma's feel guilty in that last statement, I promise!) I told him the other day that I am giving him about 60% of my help. I'm not staying on top of his icing, or meds like I would want to and I've only put antibacterial ointment on his stitches like twice. He is such a trooper. Honestly, I thought he would have been a lot more wussy! Thanks for being so tough Trav, I wouldn't wish ACL replacement surgery on my worst enemy! Did you know Trav has some dead guys ACL in his knee now? Its kind of creepy, not stump creepy, but in that same family.

Another new development in the Charles household

This girl sleeps in a big girl bed now. For the past month or so, she would climb out of her crib after she woke up, so I figured it would probably be safer for her to be in a bed. It was more of a transition than I thought. She is no Avery. Avery still thinks she is in a crib to this day. She never comes out of her bed in the morning without calling for me, or sneaks out at night. Brooklyn, on the other hand has a child lock on her knob. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but every time I would put her to bed, she would be downstairs 10 seconds later. She is also a smart one, she undid the child lock in about 15 seconds, twice, so I had to get duct tape and tape the child lock on the door knob. She did bust out of that one once, but I think she was lucky, because she hasn't since. We are working out the small kinks, and maybe the timing wasn't the best with Trav's surgery, but all in all, I think we have made it past the hardest part with the transition. 

And I just had to put a picture of Avery up, she is seriously so big these days! She just started gymnastics, but that will be a post of its own.

Yeah, not too much to report besides that. January and February just kind of suck in my book! There is sickness everywhere, its freezing, and we are a little bit cooped up, so we have been having lots of friends over!
I love how Brooklyn is the tag along little sister, that's exactly how I was! 

Since it is January, I guess that is the time to reflect and decide what you want to do with yourself in 2013. I wasn't really going to make any set goals or resolutions, but after being overwhelmed with taking care of everyone, I decided I needed something to shoot for. So I took myself out on a date last Saturday to Starbucks and sat there in the corner with my pen and paper and of course Ipad while listening to the teeny boppers hanging out. 
For some reason, I am have all this passion to grow, not just as a mom, but as an individual. I feel like since I have entered motherhood, I have grown exponentially in the perspective and nurturing department, but not so much in the intellectual department. So I decided to pursue just that. I made a bunch of goals. I am going to start a book every month. I am going to watch one documentary per week. I am going to read one article a day on anything. I am going to do some sort of craft every month. I am going to read "Jesus the Christ" and some other little goals. It felt good to have something concrete to seek after.
So I don't really know what this post is about. Its jumbly.  I've been in a deep thinking mode lately and maybe I just wanted to get some things out there? Life is interesting, all the phases you go through. The natural man kind of sucks, because I have all this passion and yearning inside of me, but usually when I have some free time, I just want to sleep or watch garbage on TV (did you know Kim Kardasian is pregnant with Kanye's baby?). Every day will be a battle, but I really am going to enlighten myself with the world.... I hope :)
PS if you have any great ideas on books or documentaries, comment!!! Don't just be a stocker OK.



Allie said...

I LOLed about "stump creepy." Remember how your sealer had a stump!?
Great goals, Mill. I made 1 goal. No treats til my bday, which isn't that hard since my bday is in feb.

Papa John said...

Props to ya Milli for being the family caretaker. A book I am about 3/4 of the way through now that I enjoy is Richard Paul Evans book, A Winter Dream. I hear Dr. T. is doing much better now...

Rachael Charles said...

Your jumbly posts are my favorite posts. A couple of things: 1) Liam also still thinks he is in a crib (he's been in a twin for over a year.) Sometimes I worry that if something happened to us and couldn't come get him out of bed, he would just lie there forever until the police came. 2) I like your goals. I'm almost finished with Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln and while it is a BEAST of a book at 750ish pages, you will totally feel like you just took an intense college class on the Civil War (which I actually did, but I think I learned more and enjoyed myself more reading this book...maybe it's because there isn't an exam waiting for me at the end!) You won't notice how long it is if you read it on your Kindle. (It's on the list of books Trav sent me.) You might have to revise your one-book-per-month rule though, because it's a doosie, much like this post! Love ya!

Tice said...

Read the Harry Potter series... it's basically a documentary on Wizards! Do it!!

Unknown said...

Harry Potter. Funny. I laugh.