Sunday, July 22, 2012


After a whirlwind in Utah, everyone; including the Jolley's, the Jones's, Sadie and the girls and I headed to Breckenridge, Colorado.

Breckenridge you ask? Well, my parents have a timeshare, and to get us all together they thought it would be a good idea to find a fun location in between Missouri, Arizona and Utah. So Breckenridge, Colorado it was.

Its funny because after they booked it, everyone decided to go to Utah first defeating the purpose of finding a central location.

Well, I guess the concept still applied to Travis, because he got the week off of work and met us in Colorado! So thanks for thinking about that Sid and Tam. Well done!

Where do I even begin with this place? The kids were in paradise because we were all in one big huge hotel together. They probably could have just stayed in the hotel all week long and been happy. The hotel had huge pools, a huge theater room, a free gondola ride,  a game room and mountains all around.

We did start the trip off with a tiny little hike around a lake. It was .75 miles, which is the perfect distance for 5 children.

My kids are really starting to like each other. Sometimes they hate each other, but I'm going to choose to focus on the liking each other part.


Here is the beautiful hike

When the hike was over, we discovered the bravest chipmunks ever.
They were so cool, they would come and eat out of our hands.

The coolest part of the trip for the kids was definitely the pool.

 We may have broken a rule or two in the pools... but look who was involved, innocent, teacher's pet Tamara!

One day, we took the gondola to down town and we found a creek to play in. Does that sound funny to anyone else? Anyways, it was a fun creek to play in nonetheless.

And then one of the kids found a hat store...
 Can you tell what kid it was?

Here are more great shots, this store really entertained us, I don't think we bought anything though. Oops! But if anyone was watching this display of entertainment, I'm sure lots of hats were sold on our account, so hat store, you are welcome!

 For some reason, my kids decided to wake up at 6 am every morning, so we decided that instead of waiting for everyone else to wake up at 8:30 we would go out and hike. This was my favorite part of the trip, maybe I'm a bit of a tree hugger these days?

Our hotel is the furthest one on the right... we went far that day!

Brooklyn, I guess that is what you have to do when you wake up so stinking early!

One night, we went to an outdoor concert

Brooklyn got up on the stage and started boogieing
 I had to be on my horse a lot because she would either try to get up on the stage and take over the show, or once, she saw a beer can and started running for it, I seriously sprinted to that can and snatched it up just before she had the chance to get drunk. Everybody was watching!

The week went by fast! Each day we celebrated a different holiday. One day was Christmas, Valentine's day, Cinco de Mayo, birthday, etc. It was pretty crazy! 

Here are a couple random shots

My kids miss their cousins so much! They are such great pretenders. They taught Avery all about Harry Potter, spells and magic. One night Brayden and Avery pretended to be the Mom and Dad and they went on a date and they went dancing on their date, we found them slow dancing... we really need to have that "no dating your cousins" talk with our daughter! 

It makes me sad to live away from them. Maybe one day soon we will be close!

Thanks for the fun memories family!


Tice said...

What a great vacation! We miss you guys so much too! Also, I noticed you left out the sock hunt that we WON even with Travis's failed attempt to kill me!!! Good times! Let's go back.

Tam the Gram said...

no kidding, the pictures tell the story, soooooo fun, so fun.