Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Party Animals

We are really poor right now, hopefully for not too much longer. Lets be honest, with all the school loans we have to pay off, we may just be in the poor house for a bit more! The good thing about being poverty stricken is that we live in a community that has a lot of medical and dental students who are in the same boat, so they are all poor too! We have had to be pretty creative on such puny budgets, but I honestly think these past couple of years have been the most creative and fun! Here are just a couple of things I haven't posted about.

Clear back in November, we of course, and all the 14 year old girls, had to have a Twilight party in honor of New Moon coming out. All of us friends got together a couple of days before opening night and watched the first movie. 
We are very serious about these outings, here was the invite

Oh, and we never skimp on the treats

The crowd was pretty cool too


Brandi Hastings said...

Love it! You just made a huge list of reasons I don't want to leave this place! Keeping our fingers crossed!
Plus, we can't break our two little lovers up. Nate and Avery would be heartbroken!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

That looks like so much fun! You have always been so fun and creative and it looks like you have met some great people. By the way, Avery is so cute!

Crystal said...

What great times. So glad you have so many friends to endure the life of a student. Looks like you are happy and enjoying life. So about the biting....Cash starteg doing that and i would slap his mouth. He stopped right away. That might be too mean for you but it worked for me.

Kimberly said...

Such a great post! We miss you guys!

Angela Muir said...

this is a really fun post- well other than that photo of me. ew.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I love this post! We really do know how to have fun on a budget, huh!?! I'm sooooooo glad you guys are staying for residency. Here's to many more posts on all of our fab parties!

Tam the Gram said...

I keep telling you to write a book on having fun while being poor and sober--you could become rich and famous! The sweater party--really, there were some scary ones; Chris and "wife beater sweater". I love you

byronandniki said...

I'm speechless. Amazing....
Avery is beautiful! I want to squeeze her right now.