Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is Avery's middle name, but she didn't inherit it from her Dad.
The Harmon's, our neighbors, moved. Before they moved we had a huge neighborhood olympics in honor of them. You might be thinking, how cute, those little kids would have a blast. Little kids weren't invited. This was strictly for adults. Each couple had to bring an olympic game. It could be anything from wit, talent, strength, speed, etc. Some events were paper football (you know the flicking it in the goal post game from middle school), feeding your partner from chop sticks, an blind folded eating contest, a water balloon launching contest, and other really weird ones.

Trav and I ended up winning the whole olympics (pending the urine test results). Looks like we are going to have to defend the title for next year. The Harmon's gave prizes (or junk that they didn't want to pack). Third place was the Kanooths, they went home with a "candom," don't ask. Second place was the Shawcrofts, Krista may have broken her tail bone in the leap frog competition, but that didn't stand in their way of bringing home the beloved punching bag. And the champion Charles family got to take home a really sweet picnic basket.

We will miss the Harmon's! They brought lots of traditions to the Riverside town homes that will last for a long time. Good luck in Denver!

PS I realize that I haven't done an Avery post in a long time, but that is her fault. The other day, during her nap, I uploaded like 20 pictures and wrote some really witty stuff. She woke up from her nap, I sat her down, and went to go and heat up some milk. The little ninny crawled to the computer and totally deleted the whole post. The girl likes her privacy. Sorry, I will do what I can to post really soon!


Anie said...

That was so fun! congrats, you guys are the big champs!!! that is a funny movie clip, Travis is so smooth...

TC Jolley said...

A.W.E.S.O.M.E! I love it! Travis makes me laugh! I can't believe Avery deleted your post... I love that too! I can't wait to see you guys in a week... CAN'T WAIT! Jon and Travis will be reunited again... at the end of the month! Avery is adorable... this comment is bipolar and all over the place... love ya!

Kate said...

Milli!!! She is soooo darn cute!!! Love that last pic of her!

Anonymous said...

So, I am not on your list of friends.....real nice Milli.

Tamara Jacobs said...

avery is so stinkin cute! that is hilarious that she deleted your post:) we should try to meet up one of these days since we live so close...i'm thinking about training for the kansas city half marathon in you still like to run? it's been a while for me...i've been into aerobics lately, but want to get back into running. okay, now i'm rambling:) anyways, love looking at your cute blog:)

Jeanette said...

Hey Milli, did you check your drafts section, because it usually save it every minute or so. I thought all mine was gone too once, with that same thing, but it was in the draft area. Anyway, worth a check. super funny and cute! love it all!

byronandniki said...

Smart girl. She is getting so big! I can't wait to see her! I wish you lived by us!

Jake and Denae said...

that made me laugh so hard... it reminds me of the good ol byu days at King Henry ha ha

Miriam Ika Marshall said...

that sounds like so much fun!! you sound like you are having fun outside of UT. Jared is going to be going to PA school in a couple of years and i think we will end up in the midwest or back east.. Do you love the church outside of UT? i want to get out of provo!!!

Rachel said...

Congrats on # 1. I stool your picture for my Blog. Thanks. We also enjoyed playing tennis, we will have to play again.

Tam the Gram said...

As I looked at you three couples standing on the porch (on top of Mary?), I could actually hear the Olympic music in the background! It is a good thing you and Travis don't drink--scary. Can't wait to see you and sweet Avery.

brandonandlexee said...

that was awesome!!! You guys sure know how to have a good time...good clean fun:)