Sunday, July 5, 2009


Before I start the real meaning of this post, I have to pose a question. Why do fireworks attract a lot of "less than affluent" people? We will call them WT for short. The city we live in contains a lot of WT and a lot of fireworks stands. This whole week the WT have been out lighting fireworks, doesn't matter what time of day, noon, ten pm, there have been constant booms. If you didn't have a lot of money, wouldn't it be wiser to spend your money on other things, you know, like food? Maybe they just love America and want to show their appreciation?

Okay, now the real reason for posting. The best day of the year. The fourth of July! People think its weird that this is my favorite holiday. But this is why:

8:30 am-10:30 am- Breakfast in Parkville with friends. Everyone was so festive.

10:30 am-noon- Parkville parade... there honestly wasn't one float, just a bunch of cars, dogs, politicians and advertisements, but I still loved it.

noon-1:30 pm- naps all around
1:30 pm-2:30 pm- Tennis with the Kanooths and Hendricks
2:30 pm- 4:30 pm- Kim and I went on an awesome bike ride. I just bought my first pair of spandex bike shorts... I'm one of those people now.
6:00 pm -8:00 pm- Block BBQ and some fireworks (like I said the WT start before its even dark.)

8:00 pm -10:30 pm- Fireworks galore. It felt like we were in a war. The rules here are not quite as strict as in Utah.
I don't think she likes the fourth of July as much as I do. She was terrified. We had to take her inside for the whole show. Somehow she managed to go to sleep with all the noise outside. Poor little girl!
10:30 pm- midnight- Watching the movie "Independence Day" at the Hendricks. I forgot how much I loved that movie. Remember the speech by the president? I promise I would vote for him to be the real president (him and president Palmer).
In conclusion, the day was great. Our country is great. Our soldiers are great. We will be in Utah for the 24Th (that is Utah's birthday)! That is probably the second best day of the year. Can't wait!!!


Allie said...

My sister and I had a similar conversataion about carnivals and fairs. The majority of the people that go are WT. We went too, so I guess that says something about us.

I actually thought about you on the 4th because I know its your favorite! Sounds like you had a great day, and I hope we can recreate it while you are here.

Natalie said...

who is "me". Sheesh! I would say that "me" is more rude then you were. It's your blog you can say what you want.

I think Avery is so cute! I can't believe how big she is getting. Glad you get to go back to Utah for the 24th how fun!

Papa John said...

What patriotic shirts Trav and Avery?
I know why Milli likes the 4th and 24th of July so much? It is just one long celebration between the two...

laurhill said...

It's okay Avery, I don't like fireworks much either :) You 3 are a beautiful family!
<3 Laura (now Hill)

brandonandlexee said...

Have fun on your trip...America is the BEST and UTAH is right behind it:) Poor Avery...maybe next year you can enjoy your fave holiday & the fireworks! And WT...check out the picture of your boyfriends on my blog:)