Monday, April 6, 2009


Excessive moaning, whining, grumpiness, clinging and crying. My baby better be getting a tooth! I keep blaming her behavior on her "teething," but its been a couple of weeks and I've yet to see anything. She does have the classic symptoms of getting a tooth; chewing on everything, more drooling, rash, not taking a binkie or bottle anymore so I'm sticking to my guns on my excuses for her crazy behavior. Sometimes we will give her Tylenol and our sweet girl will come back, but I of course am not going to dope up my baby all of the time! Only when we can't handle the wicked witch for too long. We LOVE our girl!!!


Anie said...

Babies usually start teething around 6 months so she probably is. Poor thing! Try rubbing her gums with your finger and see if that helps, it helped my baby sister when she was teething last fall.

Michelle Arnett said...

Teething can take up to 2 months. . YUCK! They come up and then back down over a period of time, so that could be why you haven't seen them break through yet, but they are still painful! Poor thing, I know I hated getting my wisdom teeth, it has to be the same feeling. It seems that as soon as they break one tooth, it's just one right after another. . so prepared to keep Tylenol & Ibuprofren around for the next few months, she is going to have A LOT of teeth coming in! Good luck. I hate teething

Jill said...

Can't believe you have a teething baby!...still so weird to me. She sure is cute though. Good luck with all that.

Tracie said...

I will chop off my right leg if she does not break a tooth soon. I am that sure. I am saying this to help you know that Avery is not grumpy by nature. This is not a permanent condition. Be comforted.

Natalie said...

Teething is not fun. Those teeth move up and down for a while before they finally break through. It's hard on everyone involved. Good luck. I hope for your sake, her teeth break through soon. It's a good thing kids are so dang cute, otherwise the mom thing would be a lot more difficult.

Tam the Gram said...

If she gets more than 3 teeth, you will have to leave MO. I couldn't resist, I hope hoone does a search on me!

The Dumas Family said...

It's teeth. Sometimes they can take months to come in. She'll probably go through one more bout of this before it comes through. I'm so sorry! Popsicles are heavenly if you can handle the mess.

Kate said...

Good Luck Milli!!! But I have sad news...they don't only get one tooth! However...she is "winning" Carter -- he doesn't have any yet!! Yeah! And Avery is such a doll!! LOVE those big eyes!

S&J Jones Family said...

The yarn shop has officially moved, but not too far. You need to come see the new place and we need to see Avery! We missed you at dinner a few weeks ago. I tried to call and remind you but it went straight to voicemail.