Thursday, October 23, 2008

Birthday Eve

It's 10:41 PM, October 23rd, 2008. I am sitting here in my uncomfortable-chair-turned-uncomfortable-bed in room 3605 in Overland Park Regional Hospital in Kansas. Today has crept by, it seems as though time stands still when important things are about to happen. Milli and I arrived at the hospital around 4 PM, and as I walked her in, I said, "You know, I always imagined this moment different. I thought you would be waddling in, face and hair all a mess, leaking water, yelling and cussing out me and anyone who dared to get in your way!" No, it was a little bit different, as Milli looks only slightly more prego than I do, and was in no way uncomfortable as we came up to the Labor and Delivery unit.

Well, six hours later, things have changed a bit. I am watching her squirm about on her slightly-more-comfortable-bed-than-mine, trying to find a position of comfort. Those sexy hospital gowns actually seem to make her look like she could be full term. The last couple of hours have been rough on her, as the pre-induction process was started then. Neither of us were aware that the Cervadil stuff can actually kick-start the labor, but we are both well aware of that fact now. I doubt she'll get much sleep tonight, and for that reason I doubt I'll get much, either. But that's ok. I'm a little anxious for her, though. I have always had a hard time when she is in pain, so this won't be an easy experience for either of us tomorrow.

A quick shout out to my sweetheart. I love you, babe. I know you will do great! You have been such a trooper throughout the last nine or so months; you have already been a fantastic mother! And yes, I am sorry for doing this to you.

Any of you who have not seen the blog already today, be sure to read on, as Milli wouldn't like me stealing her thunder after she made such a nice post this afternoon!


Lauren Perry said...

Oh my heck, so she is in labor??!! I am so excited for you guys! That means she will make it to the Halloween party that she wanted to go to ;) Good luck and I look forward to a post tomorrow about the birth of your daughter! CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Milli Good Luck. You know I had that Cervidell or whatever its called with my 3rd baby and its the most uncomfortable night, as well for the Husband, He had the worst chair/bed ever,he said he could feel the metal bars in it all night and the nurse came in all night because the monitors kept falling off the right spot so they had to check the baby like every hour, not to mention having to go to the bathroom all hooked up to EVERYTHING! I think its much easier to be induced the day of with pitocin which I did with my other 3 boys. Sorry you have to got through all that, but its well worth it in the end, I know you will be an AWESOME mom and DAD too. Congrats and Let me know how everything goes. Love ya

Lauren Perry said...

ps- they say that you forget your labor and that epidurals don't hurt and make all of the pain go away....

its all a lie. I remember EVERYTHING, the epidural HURT, and I felt EVERYTHING- lol- so Milli is officially a hero! I hope she has a safe and easy labor/delivery

Quela said...

Yeah, it's here!! Good Luck! I can't wait to see the pics of your sweet little mis thang!

Becky Johnson said...

Yeah!! I am SO excited for you guys. You will both make wonderful parents. : )

The Ceder House's said...

Good Luck!Can't wait to see her!

Natalie said...

Good Luck! You are going to do great Milli! I can't wait to see your new little spuddett!!

Jill said...

That's awesome! You're a good guy Travis! Good luck Milli!

Bailey Family said...

Milli he isn't sorry that he didn this to you. Chances are that he will do it again. He just feels bad that you have to go through the pain. But you know what a great Husband you have that show you he loves you.