Monday, May 5, 2008


Gosh, there has been so much going on and I haven't been posting anything!!! I'm going to try to post pics and lay off the writing... can be hard for me at times!
Last weekend was pretty fun... we went to a dueling piano bar with our friends Brandi and Jim. I'm sure the waitress was pretty stoked when we all ordered diet cokes of course with grenadine (we are crazy!) Trav was stoked that they were using the same piano that we have!

The next day Trav's school had a fun BBQ. I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but his school is in the biggest ghetto. There were a couple of sketchy cars that would be parked by the field, then would quickly drive away. We also got some really mean looks by passerbys. Why do they have to be so mad, we would have let them join us.
Some of the crew

They had a fun softball game going on, so of course I had to show my mad skills (I'm getting rusty!)

Here are the boys playing, and a cool shot of the city right behind us.

Ahhh my sister is forcing me to post pics of me and my belly in different stages, and I'm a little embarrassed, but this one is for TC.
13 weeks here. I'm getting a little pooch!

I have to mention something about the biggest storm I have ever been apart of. Last Thursday there were tornado's! The sirens actually went off... so what do you do when the sirens go off? Do you duck and cover or do you turn the news on or do you go outside and look at the sky? We chose the latter and watched the amazing storm (probably not too smart but hey we survived). The worst part was at 2 am when we heard the loudest pounding on our windows from the rain. We looked out and the sky was full of lightning. I've never seen anything like it! We turned on the news and our area was clear for tornado's, so we went back to bed. But when we woke up, this is what happened about 20 miles north of us.

Lastly, we are starting to pack up our boxes. See that picture above? Well we are moving about four miles from there into a townhouse. We will probably move the first part of June, so we are getting some things put together. We will really miss Overland Park, but its only 25 minutes away so we will visit often. We are looking forward to Riverside, it is in Missouri, so we will soon be Missourians.

"pack it up pack it in, let me begin... ..."

PS I stole a lot of pictures off of Brandi's blog, she is always prepared with a camera... I felt guilty not admitting. Thanks Bran!


Lauren Perry said...

You are a hoot. I am glad that you busted out the softball skills. Its a secret weapon and a great conversation starter like "oh yeah, I can probably throw a softball over those mountains" :) Your bump is soooo tiny. You are going to be one of those girls that can wear their normal pants in the delivery room! Gosh I wish I had your body. As to your question on what I was cooking when I burned my was a chicken and carmelized onion pasta with blue cheese. Let me know if you have any fun trips to Utah planned. I would love to have the 3 of you (you, Trav and spud) over for dinner :) I will make the hawaiian braised pork that you like :)

Quela said...

You call that a pooch! you're crazy!

Hey, now that you're moving to Missouri, you can totally become a cardinals fan like me.

Anika said...

POOCH? Ummm... I think NOT! You look skinnier than me... and I am not pregnant. You look so adorable! We went to a dueling piano thing once and had SO much fun! It was a blast!

Mark and Racquel Stallings said...

Congrates on the baby! I have been wanting to tell you that since we found out but I am finally getting around to it so sorry for the delay! You are so cute, you don't even have a belly yet! We are so excited for you though!

Allie said...

Yeah, I would be mad if I were you and was pregnant with a freaking 6 pack. LAME! You look great! I love that you live in Kansas and there are actually tornadoes like in the Wizard of Oz. Scary. I always love your posts, Millhouse. Keep 'em coming. Good luck in Missouri. It seem like last time we talked about Kansas/Missouri, you were more scared of the Missouri side. Still true?

La said...

freaky tornado. not even funny. i love the "belly" pics keep them comin.

Lance and Ariel said... look so cute as a pregnant girl :)

Brandi Hastings said...

Picture freak here!! lol You can steal my pics anytime. I love the belly picture. You are going to be one of those women that you can barely tell they're pregnant when they're 7 months along! Just for the record, if I'm prego... there will be not prego belly pics! :) :)

Boydston Family said...

your not supposed to play softball when your belly is that big, it might get in the way. your only supposed to put a belly picture on the internet when there is actually a belly to see. Flat abs are great i love seeing them but we want to see HUGE!!

Daisie said...

Hi Milli! Wow! A real tornado! I have to say I am glad we are missing that! It is so weird to be over here and not even have heard about it!! I agree with all on this blog! I want to see a "real" belly shot!! But I am happy for you that you are so cute!! Lucky Dog!! Good Luck with the moving! Sorry we arent' there to return the fav!!! We'll make it up to you sometime! And I love piano bars! We'll have to go with you guys sometime!!

the murdocks said...

What pooch? You look hot! Seriously, I'm envious of your stomach on a normal day when I'm not pregnant. And the tornado worst nightmare come true. I had a dream last night that I saw a tornado and I woke up terrified and sweating. You actually lived it.

TC Jolley said...

Okay so you are the sexiest pregnent girl EVER! I love the abs... I mean belly! Seriously! I'm so sad that I haven't seen you prego in real life... it feels unnatrual... shi... bi! I miss you and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks... I may cry! Oh, and I take it back, I think spud will be a boy (GRANDMA!!!). Oh, and I'm not okay with the tornado being that close, not okay with it at all. Next time RUN! said...

Ok, so thanks for all the nice comments on the tummy pic, but seriously, now that I look at that pic, I must have been flexing and it must have been first thing in the morning before I ate because I look at my tummy now, and you can totally see a pooch! It was 2 weeks ago, so maybe I have sprouted a bit since, but I honestly thought it looked like a pooch and wasn't trying to get compliments! I feel so vein!

Travieso said...

Ok, so the "vein" comment wasn't a pun about her job. I am personally willing that midriff to grow and grow... My new goal is to weigh less than her at some point during this pregnancy. She doesn't want to hear about it, but I think it a worthy cause.


Becky Johnson said...

OK, First of all, you are SO not getting a pooch! You are still tiny!! haha. But, keep those pics coming cuz I like to see them too!! TC isnt the only one. And second, holy crazy storm. Thats insane! I am glad you are ok!

Tam the Gram said...

If you are soon to become a Missourian, you will have to have some teeth extracted to fit in! I am with TC, this long distance pregnancy thing is not right. Glad you survived the storm, I know I was more worried than you guys were!

Cynthia and Bryan said...

Cute belly shot ! You are going to be such a cute prego !

swampbaby said...

I didn't know y'all were moving! That's exciting and stressful at the same time. Let us know when the big day is and I'll send my husband over :-) And, uh, yeah, your stomach "pooch" is flatter than my normal stomach.

ChelsieWatts said...


Funny how your so-called "POOCH" looks smaller than my non-maternal stomach. I don't even want to hear the word "POOCH" until you can't even see your toes (which probably won't happen) so shush!

(but I really love you)


S&J Jones Family said...

I look more pregnant than you do! I think I'm gunna get Sarah one of these nights and we will tie you guys to your beds and unpack all of your boxes...I don't want you to move. Will you still come to knitting group? :)

Jill said...

I want your "POOCH!!"

J and E Mayfield said...

Are you kidding milli... Where's the pooch? I look about 10 weeks further along than you do. Looking HOT Millhouse. Wow I can't believe that twister. That was so close. I'm glad milvis wasn't harmed in any way.

Tracie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracie said...

OK, I think you just might be one of those pregos I hate. You know the kind that looks 2 months pregnant, when they are 8? And 2 weeks after their baby, they look like they did at high school prom? Yeah, that kind.

Adah said...

Hey there,

I just got here through Daisie's blog hope you don't mind (we met in the Op 2nd ward). I am sorry to hear you are moving but that is great that you got a townhouse!! We are also moving into our first home. Lucky for me though we will still be in OP and in the same ward...I don't like change that much. So you do look great and don't worry I believe you that your stomach has grown!! I am so excited for you to have your is the best. If you stay at home you should start to come to our play group. Check out my blog (incase you don't remember me).


Natalie said...

I wish I looked like you when I was pregnant! Heck, I wish I looked like that now!! That is so freaking scaring you were so close to that storm!

the murdocks said...

YES! Milli I just got so excited that you are coming soon! We will for sure have to get together. And I have wanting to go to wingers since we've been here too. Strictly for the popcorn of course. I'll talk to Allie and we'll arrange something...can't wait to see you and your mother f********* "pooch"

Allie said...

See Millhouse, I told you. You always have at least 30 comments on each post. I'm glad I'm friends with you because you are so popular!

Andrus Family said...

Mil, you should feel vein 'cause that is no pooch pic by any means....just kidding! If I looked that good when I was pregnant, maybe I would hve posted some pooch pics, too! Keep 'em coming!