So yeah, it has been a quick two years. A couple of months ago, Milli realized that we haven't been on a trip just the two of us, for....two years! So we decided a trip was in order. It just so happened that my spring break was the week before our anniversary, and since our first honeymoon burned down, we felt we deserved a second try.
Milli found out about a nice place nestled in the Ozark "mountains", called Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Now, if you can somehow manage to reconcile the fact that the natives here pass off these glorified rolling hills as mountains, if you look around, you might find that the Ozarks are indeed beautiful. I guess you could say it felt a bit more like home than Kansas City.
So we hopped in the car for our uneventful trip to Arkansas, and when we arrived, we checked into a cozy little cottage for two. It's name was "A Taos Sunset". If it looks small in the picture, don't be decieved.... it's smaller. But it was perfect for us.

We stayed for a day, and had a great time. On Saturday night, we had decided to enjoy a little bit of southern cookin' (Milli wouldn't let me eat at Pizza Hut), and we ventured to "Grandma's Cornbread and Cobbler". When we walked in, we immediately saw the only two employees in the place hunkered over the cash register, trying to figure the thing out. Maybe Grandma just found out about cash registers? We stood in front of them for a long moment before finally being noticed by the older employee. She explained to us that they couldn't make it work, but she would take our order and when they got the "dern" thing working we would get our bill. Of course, I had to order the cornbread and beans, which ended up tasting like it had been cooked by some outlaw in the wilderness about 150 years ago. Good thing I got that hotdog, because I would have been miserable without it, what with Pizza Hut only just across the street and all.
Nearing the end of our meal, our nice old waitress brings up our bill (they got that dern thing working finally), and apparently we owed them 24 dollars for some nasty beans and cornbread, a hot dog, and a salad. By my count, we owed them about twelve. So, after the meal, I asked her to itemize that bill, and they realized their folly. So she went to work on this calculator (the cash register couldn't add, but neither could she). She comes out with a new wrong number, and after a few tries, I volunteered to walk her through all of the calculus. We finally got the right number (it was twelve something)!
Here comes the best part. I then mentioned to her that we wanted two orders of cobbler (which actually turned out to be quite good), and asked if she could add that onto our bill. So she whipped out her trusty calculator again, and quickly added up the new numbers , and she said, "OK, that brings your total to $8.50." Are you laughing yet? I almost payed her right then and there, but I ended up doing the right thing and re-working the bill with her to a nice round number of $15. As I prepared to pay her with my debit card, she told me that their debit machine wasn't working, either. I ended up paying the lady everything I had in cash, which was $10 even. So we caught a break on that nasty cornbread. Is that what southern cornbread is supposed to taste like, anyway? They should just stick to cobbler I think.
And that was just the beginning of our evening! After we left the grandma's place, we went to an ole' fashioned Ozark Hoe-Down, complete with some seriously cheesy comedy and impressive musicians. I mean, we're talking keyboard, guitars, steel guitar, banjo, harmonicas.... it was my kind of show. Of particular note was the coolest version of the "Dueling Banjos" I have ever heard and an awesome keyboard version of Lionel Richie's "Stuck On You". It turned out to be a great program, and I highly recommend it to anyone that finds themself wandering the Arkansas wilderness.
I must stop, this post is getting ridiculously long. We had a great time in the Ozarks. Milli is a great road tripper when she doesn't have the scoots. I wouldn't have any other navigator before her. The only bad thing about our trip was that we forgot to take our "dern" camera! So sorry about the lack of real pictures, but you've seen us before, and we still look the same, so stop complaining.
If you are still reading this, I applaud you for your stick-to-it-edness! Good night, all.
Priceless, Trav. I peed my pants. Literally. I am going to put on some depends before I read the posts from this dern blog, dernit.
Sounds like fun, you will have to tell travis that real southern corn bread is not NASTY !!! I just made some the other day - southern corn bread isn't sweet, but it is dern good with butter, and if you want to add honey it makes it perfect, Ill make ya some next time we can get together- Are you coming to Katy's wedding ?
For the record I did NOT have the scoots! Trav just had to throw that in so ya'll wouldn't fall asleep! I haven't had the scoots for a very long time.
I am laughing so hard! I would have paid her the $8.50...LOL! Happy Anniversary
So adventurous...you two! Eureka, huh? How fun.
What a fun treat hearing from Travis! Sounds like a great time. You've done better than us... its been 3 years since we have gone on a trip. Unless you count Dollywood, but that was hard work, not relaxing.
Sounds like a typical trip for you two...thanks for sharing about Milli's scoot problem. :)
That was a funny blog!! You guys are SO funny! Looks like you guys had a great little anniversary trip.
I love it! You guys crack me up! Sounds like fun and it really does look very pretty there!
First of all, thank you for teaching me how to spell 'stick-to-it-edness' I fell better about my life already!
These are the trips that mean so much in the end! I think you guys are lucky to have had such great memories on each trip! Who can say they were on a giant ship that burned down, or that they almost got suckered by some 'con bread' fixers! Love it!
Of all people, I can genuinly appreciate the reality of what you are talking about. Considering I grew up on about and 1 1/2 hrs from there. You probably truly witnessed the most "hickness" you have ever seen in your entire life!
Sounds like fun! You guys are so funny! That picture looks so pretty...I need to get out more.
I will never have a running partner like you! No one else understand the fact that running makes you have to poop, no one has the crazy legs you did and no one, no one will ever be like you! Lets just start running towards eachother and not stop till we meet in the middle!
You guys crack me up! Sounds like an interesting time :) Between the cruise ship that caught fire, and the trip to the greatest depths of the south, I would never go on a "dern" vacation again. You guys had a good time in Mexico atleast :)
We all know that Milli had the scoots the whole trip....how could you not after eating those bake beans and hot dogs. I am glad that you got to go on this trip. It is a fun little memory that you will hold onto. Happy Anniversary again :)
The scary thing is you went to a place with the words Eureka and Arkansas in the same name, you were safe with Springs though. The little house looked like something Milli used to pretend with--remember Alice Milli! Good for you guys getting out and being adventerous. Love you
I loved this - no pictures and all!!!
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