Wednesday, October 17, 2007


The rules:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I name EVERYTHING! My wedding ring's name is Shirly, Travis's computer's name is Joanna, my alarm clock is named Stan, Travis's cars name is Delores (spanish style), etc.

2. I am obsessed with the E channel. Nothing soothes me more than hearing the latest Hollywood gossip.

3. I have a fetish with veins. I draw blood at work sometimes, so whether I am at church or at the grocery store and can tell if you would be a good stick or not.

4. I wash my hair every 3 to 4 days (if you are lucky)

5. I have very very vivid dreams and sometimes they actually come true. (Runs in the family, thanks Grandma Gladys)

6. I still have a crush on Uncle Jessie

Now I tag Allie, Tracie, Sarah, Lauren, Brandi and Stacie


Tracie said...

I am assuming that Joanna is the other woman?

Becky Johnson said...

Gosh, I wish I could go 3 to 4 days without washing my hair....

TC Jolley said...

I love Uncle Jesse... and I call, I'm D.J.! LOL! You are the cutest gal ever! I miss you... wahhhh! Oh, and tell the fam HI!

Lauren Perry said...

I watch the E channel too! :) I also frequent celebrity blogs. I honestly have NO LIFE. My life revolves around changing diapers, making bottles, being quiet during get the picture. lol.

Camille said...

Hooray for no hair washing!!!! You are such an obedient client.

Oh, and Uncle Jessie is hot, mullet and all...

Allie said...

OH Milli, I wish you wouldn't have tagged me. I never know what to write on these things.
I used to be able to go 4 days without washing my hair, but for some reason, my hair is a grease ball after like 2 days. Its way annoying. said...

Yeah Trace, I hate her so much sometimes!

Jess Perry said...

Fun list! I love that you name everything! You are funny! and I still have a crush on Uncle Jessie...and that hair!!

Brandi Hastings said...

Okay.... I am the same way! You check out veins and I have an obsession with eyebrows! Since I am an Esthetician I have issues with people who don't wax their brows! What are you supposed to do though? Tell people they have eyebrow problems and you can help? :)

J and E Mayfield said...

That's why I love you so much! When ya going to blog about your marathon? I can't wait to hear about it. Congrats mill that's awesome.