Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I Heart Fall

I just thought that I would express my recent discovery that I love this time of year. For the following reasons:

a) The crazy hot humid heat is slowly leaving (this is one reason why I just discovered I love Fall, I usually am obsessed with Summer, but after living in Kansas, I rather not always look like I'm dripping wet 24-7)

b) Fall clothes. Nothing is better than jeans and a sweatshirt. You don't have to worry about shaving, or if your legs look fat, or again not worrying about sweating all over those clothes.

c) The moon (not that kind of moon you perv). It just seems like they are huge in the harvest season, last week during the full moon, I swear it was closer than normal, because it was huge and orangey-yellowish. Very cool.

d) The harvest feeling in the air. You can almost just smell it. Pumpkins are in harvest along with all the other fun Fall veggies.

e) The beautiful leaves. I might have to admit that Falls here are prettier than in Utah, OK Utah minus the mountains. There are a million trees everywhere, so during the Fall they all change colors and it is magnificent!

f) The activities. Such as: pumpkin carving (which thanks to Mallie we are becoming experts, no triangle eyes anymore, we are way above that), the fun treats (if anyone has any fun Halloween recipes send them my way), dressing up (sorry Owrin I know you hate it). I can't wait to see what my nieces and nephews will be, and going to pumpkin patches.

I could go on and on but I'll just "leaf" it at that. He he!


Lauren Perry said...

You know whats great, fall in Utah....come home!!! We miss you here! You guys are way hot and funny :) Remember when you introduced me to Brian and Trent.... that was fun!

Allie said...

I love fall, too. I wish you were here in Utah to spend it with us. Remember the plan was for Jerin to get married this month, so you would have a reason to fly back. They pretty much blew that one.
Also, I was just remembering the halloween where we really wanted erin to be Harry Potter. I wish she would have cooperated!

Jess Perry said...

I love the fall too. I always forget how much I love it until it rolls around and then I never want winter to come.

Mandy said...

Ya, I love fall too, blah blah blah. Just kidding, it is good and all but I just wanted to talk to you about the book you asked about. READ IT!!!! It is by Sharon Creech and she is pretty amazing. Now realize that it is really a book that my neighbor reads to her 4th graders, but still awesome. It is funny and cute, and sad and just great. I still have not gotten over it. You should have seen me when I finished it! I, of corse being a bad mother, was holding my sleeping baby while I finished and the sobs that racked through my body woke her up. Her first look was at her grief stricken mother and she started crying with me! I should not be allowed to have children. Anyway, read it for me and we will chat! Love you Millicent

J and E Mayfield said...

Ha Ha Ha Milli I never knew you were so corny and I love it. So yeah I have been a party pooper in the past but I'm working on it and just maybe some day I'll be a fun person to be around on halloween.

Jess Perry said...

By the way...I didn't notice your "leaf" it at that comment before...way to go! You rock!