Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Spelling scam!

Avery was one of the finishers in her 3rd grade spelling bee. This means that she was able to participate in the school spelling bee. Avery lives for things like this. She brought the words home and we even studied! She was set. We were both a little bit crushed when she got out the first round! It was a total jip though! The word was "mine" and she thought it was "mind." So technically she spelled it right, but it was not the right word! I should have told her to ask the person to use the word in a sentence, blast! After she spelled the word, and the bell was rung for a mispelled word, you could just see Avery's body go in shock. It was sad! But you know what, this was a good learning experience. And sometimes its OK to fail! Its healthy! Also, some other parents and I were making wagers and bets on who would win the whole thing. It was nail biting! Oh, and I only took video of this event, no pictures!

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