If you have ever met Avery, then guarantee you have heard her sing. She is not shy about singing. She has a very interesting voice. It is low and musky and every time I hear her vibrato I just smile. We put her in a children't choir here in Globe and she had a little concert for Christmas. They performed at the Chamber of Commerce Christmas party.
Avery is kind of like me, and doesn't remember the lyrics to songs. So sometimes she comes up with her own. She knew the first verse and the chorus, but after that, she got real wiggly.
Oh Avery, I love to hear you sing too! The size of that little girl standing next to Avery tells me that Brooklyn will soon be able to sing in the choir too!
Avery has a vibrato?
I love avery's singing, it is so adorable. She's pretty good too, I was impressed and it made me realize that Gabby may be a touch tone deaf. :)
Oh yes, little Crocket and her womanly voice!
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