Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This is how my lovely little girl's birthday started...
And this is how it ended...

I can't believe my baby is three!!!

Her birthday was eventful! We had a huge neighborhood Halloween party. Don't tell Avery that the party wasn't really for her birthday, she will never know!

She was so excited to be three. I think in her mind, she thought that the day you turn 3 is the day you officially become a big girl.

She kept asking, "mom do big girls cry?" or "mom, do big girls like princesses?"

She was so excited to go to the "big kids room" at the gym. In this room, they take them and do "totsersize" and they do crafts, etc. She kept telling everyone that she was three.

A couple of days later, we had her real (low key) birthday party. Can you guess the theme? If you guessed Transformers, well you would be way off. It was princesses and of course for the boys, princes.

These were the royal attendees

Prescott Veigel
Bella Bernett
Nathan Hastings

The kids made crowns, (yes I did dress up, I'm no party pooper)
pinned the tiara on the Avery,

and even went outside to search for dragon eggs (I had to think of some manly activities).

We of course had cake and ice cream

And again, Travis made the cake. He does a good job. It even tasted great! Maybe this will be his tradition on Avery's birthday.

Maybe not though, because I have to do all the other party stuff, and it was exhausting!

This little one didn't know what the heck was going on, but she didn't mind it.

And to my 3-year-old princess... Stop getting so dang big!

You are a strong confident girl. I hope you use this for the good when you become a teenager! Please please do!

You love to pretend. You always make me be the boy.

You will mostly be found wearing your dark pink princess dress. The second you wake up, its on, the second we get home from being out, its back on.

When you aren't in your princess dress, you enjoy being Mowgli and just wearing your underwear around. We are working on that.

You have the sharpest memory. If I tell you something, you will remember it and bring it up months later.

You ask a million questions every day. I think your favorite word is "why."

You love love love books, sometimes for punishment we tell you that you can't read books before bed.

You have to sleep with "pink didi" every night.

You are a really great eater. You will eat veggies. You actually like salads and brocolli. But usually its because we are bribing you with sweets, which you are obsessed with right now.

You love to help me cook and bake, but I think its because you know I will give you the spoon to lick (see above comment).

You still love Jude with all of your heart and we are convinced you are going to marry him, speaking of that, you are obsessed with getting married.

You love to climb trees and are still a monkey.

You and Brooklyn are starting to play a ton, and its getting me so excited!

You can be the most difficult little stink, but we can always reason with you in the end.

You refuse to pedal on your little bike, instead you just push yourself with your feet on the ground.

You are night potty trained now, and every time you wake up dry, you get to have hot chocolate in the morning.

You are one sweet little girl, and you are starting to cuddle a lot more with us.

You are my little buddy and I love you so much!

But seriously, stop growing or you have to go to timeout!


Tracie said...

Best. Mom. Ever.

Tracie said...

And nice cake, Travi!

Papa John said...

I really enjoyed being the surrogate parent to Brooklyn for four days...She is an absolute keeper!
How could anyone not love that little girl?

Trav, quite the baker and cake maker!
Can you do divinity? I miss our Oak Cliff neighbors, the Bentley's and having divinity every Christmas...

Congratulations to brand spanking new three-year old AVERY!!!

Tice said...

I threaten my kids all the time too. I can NOT believe how big and grown up Avery is. I love her. I love her sister and her mommy and daddy! Move to Arizona please!