Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Dear Tater and Mumu,

Thanks for coming to visit us all the way from Park City, Utah! Sorry you had to live in the ghetto for 5 days. 

I think Tracie had 4 different sleeping accommodations while she was here; 
1) The love sac 
2) The futon with the questionable stain (this was brought into the marriage by Trav, and this futon lived through his glory days of bachelorhood, so yes, the stain is very questionable) 
3) The upstairs couch and 
4) next to your mother on the air mattress.

I never did ask, which was your favorite?

Thanks to you two, we got our shop on. We went to Target, Hobby Lobby, Trader Joes, Oak Park mall and... ... gosh it seemed like so much more! 

Thanks for all the amazing meals. How is it that every time I come and visit you, you guys cook for me, but when you come to visit me, we either eat out, or you cook? Are you trying to tell me something? 

Thanks for all of the girl talks! Tracie, I think I know more about your body than I know about my own :) 
And Mumu, thanks for buying us so many amazing meals and for taking us to the mall and buying us those cute hair clips!

Oh and thanks for laughing at all of my stupid jokes. You are always good for a laugh! 

Oh yeah, and thanks for loving and spoiling my children. They were sad when you left, especially Brooklyn, because no one but Mumu is gonna try and sneak her bites of rice crispy treats!

Travis may not show it, but he is ecstatic when his family comes to visit!

Wait for it... 

Wait for it... 
Wait for it... 

And here is the ecstatisism (is that a word, no I don't think so)

Thanks for everything, and Tracie, sorry your thyroid was totally beserk the whole time you were here. I won't judge you for eating all the skinny cows! At least you have a reason, what is mine? Oh yeah, I'm still "breast feeding."

Miss you guys!


Tracie said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Still working on that thyroid issue. I've eaten Thanksgiving every day for the last 32 days, 5 of those days which were at your pad...(my condolences to your fridge/food cupboard.) What the crap is going on?!?

And as for my body, the only reason you know more about it than your own, is because you are struttin around a shiny kickin Range Rover, while my body more resembles and acts like a Ford Pinto:)

Love ya Miller Lite. Your blog, as usual, rocks.

It leaves me with undeniable ecstatisism.

Papa John said...

No complaints from the KC Charles family...we, as in Mo-Mo or myself or both, have been out to KC THREE times in 2011!!!....come on Avery, come out and visit Grandpa so we can go sledding, make a snowball, and a snowman with a carrot sticking out of his nose!!!
We love you all so much!

Rachel said...

So I just finished reading your blog all the way down to Halloween and I MISS YOU GUYS. I miss the leaves, and I miss the awesome Holloween Parties. Kept posting because I am reading (smile)