Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pee Pee in the Potty

Avery is officially potty trained!!! That's right, no more nasty diapers. I'm so happy because I really didn't want to have 2 in diapers at the same time. Right when I was about to run out of "gift" diapers for Brooklyn, Avery was potty trained, so we haven't had to buy double diapers yet. Since we have been to lots of races and things like that, we have had to take Avery behind trees and have her squat to go pee pee. I guess she thinks its a normal thing to do, because the other day, I saw her doing this in our neighbors yard.

We may need to have a small conversation with her about potty etiquette. But I do have to say I'm proud of her for not peepeeing in her pants!


Papa John said...

What a good girl. First...get potty trained. Second...get civilized about the whole process...Good girl!

McAtee Family said...

So THAT is how you pee without it running down your leg. 31 years and I have just been assuming the wrong position when outdoors. Thanks Avery!

Allie said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just laughed out loud for kind of a long time. And for some reason, I remember you doing something similar??