Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Since we got a sweet new ride, we were itching for a road trip. Trav's parents have been really wanting to go see the sites in Nauvoo. Off we went! Trav and I have been before, which was a good thing, because we quickly came to realize that you can't see too many sites with a two year old. Or at least our two year old. She about "remodeled" Brigham Young's home. We did find some kid friendly activities, and stuck with them while Trav's Dad took his own tour of the place. Avery loved the pioneer dress up place. Although, if you ask her if she is a pioneer, she responds, "No, I'm just a princess."

We swam a lot in the hotel pool and just hung out. It was pretty relaxing. I really enjoyed the carriage ride and all the church history stories I learned. Oh and of course I have to mention that I won the church history trivia game given by Trav's dad at the end of the trip. Woo woo!

Just taking a pee pee break on the side of the rode. (both of them

Peeping Avery

I think she would have made it as a pioneer child


1 comment:

Papa John said...

It was so neat to find children's dress up clothes and the little school house for Avery to play in. She had a great time in that little school house, while the adults played a few competitive games.

By the way, I was the Champ, wasn't I? What a fun trip, and one that meant as much to me as any Church history site I have been too. Thanks for going again Trav and Milli!