Friday, February 18, 2011


My heart broke this Valentine's day. I got a dreadful call from my dad telling me that my Grandpa Gary had a heart attack and passed away. It was very unexpected. This man was in great shape, had a zest for life and had a lot of reasons to not go so early. I really thought that he had at least 10 more good years with us.

One cool thing about his death though, is that he gets to see his son, Chucky, who passed away at 3 years of age. It has been about 38 years, can you just imagine the reunion?

My Grandpa was the hardest working man alive. I have never seen anyone work like that. I feel like he has passed this trait down to my parents, and hopefully me and my kids. He would always laugh at your jokes, even if they really weren't that funny, he would think they were.

I will never forget all of his funny cat noises and his Donald Duck voices he used to scare/play with us kids.

I hope that Travis and I will have as strong of a relationship when we are old as my Grandpa and Grandma had. I could really tell they loved each other, and that is another really hard thing about him leaving, he left her.

I love you Grandpa, life won't be the same without you!


Brandi Hastings said...

We are so sorry for your loss guys. That is a cool story about them reuniting. I hope that you have a safe trip seeing your family. We'll miss you!

Lechelle said...

I'm sorry Milli!

Papa John said...

I am so glad you were able to be re-united with your family at this most sensitive time of loss for you all. I know by now each of you have all shared many happy memories together, and continue to do so.

Rachael Charles said...

This broke my heart, Milli. Papa seemed like such a neat guy, and I know you all will miss him (Liam calls my dad Papa, too). I've been wanting to call you so badly to discuss babies/bachelor, but I realized I didn't have your number in my new phone! I finally got it from Trav, but I guess I'll just wait until I see you on Sunday. I can't WAIT to catch up and smooch Avery and Brooklyn. Give your family my love and condolences.