Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some thoughts, turkey and naked bums

There is a shmorgishborg (I had to look that one up) of stuff that has been going on that I must post... I've also been having some thoughts, so I will just cram it all into one post like I usually do!

A. I'm thrilled that he is back.

I still maintain that he is the funniest man on earth. I pray that his show is successful because he really does bring me joy; along with my husband and daughter that is.

B. Thanksgiving

Travis was lucky enough to be able to enjoy his Thanksgiving in the gallows of Research hospital. He was on a 24 hour call at the hospital, so Avery and I were invited to eat at the Hastings for Thanksgiving. She was a good date.

Here are some of the other kiddos

We all chipped in and helped out with the cooking, and it was really good food! I'm sure everyone has this conversation once Thanksgiving dinner is over, "man, all that time and effort and the food is gone so fast." So worth it though!

Here are the hosts... Brandi is around one week behind me in gestation (Remember our cruise back in May, well this was an outcome of it... ha ha that's another funny story though)

Here are the McCools

And here we are

This is after the damage

Don't feel to bad for Travis though, we went and visited him after our dinner. Check out what we swindled for him

After our visit, I put Avery to bed and went back to the Hastings for pie

This is how we all felt afterwards

Blah! (A good blah though)

C. Black Friday

So we did make an appearance on Black Friday, but not till the evening, so it wasn't too crazy. Be prepared to see tons of videos on our blog because we bought one of those little video recorders for ourselves for Christmas. Travis has documented the last 24 hours of our exciting life. Just wait! One thought I had as I was out though was that I can't believe that Black Friday is still PC. I bet in two years the name will be changed.

D. You are probably wondering about the naked bum... here it is

I'm not trying to be perverted but this girl loves being naked, but she also loves accessorising so its hard to take pictures without showing bum. Maybe its good that we went private awhile ago!

This picture is of her friend Jude and Adelyn and it was weeks after Halloween

D) No name Jane
I am now 32 weeks along. Its going really fast. We have NO IDEA what we are going to name this little one. I have a million boy names, but we will probably never need one (I didn't mean that Trav). So if you aren't going to use a really cute name please lend it to us!
30 weeks
Should I be worried that this baby is more active in my tummy than I remember Avery being? Pray for me.

E) A little update on Travis.

He is alive and doing well if you have been wondering where he has been. Residency has been tough, but not as tough as I thought it would be. He has had his 100 plus hour weeks, but besides those weeks, I think we will make it. Avery is funny with him though. She gets really mad when he has a 24 plus hour shift. She will not go to him and will be really grumpy to him. Don't get on this girl's bad side I guess.
F) Christmas
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a total 4Th of July girl. I love Christmas, but I don't get all frantic about it like a lot of people do. Having a two-year-old has changed me I think. We put our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving (maybe it had to do with the fact that we bought a new one after Christmas last year and it had been sitting in our basement for a year). I may have been guilty of singing some Christmas songs to Avery before Thanksgiving as well. I'm a huge hypocrite I guess. I still think we should respect Thanksgiving though, and I think I did. But we are so excited this year for Christmas. The awesome thing is that Avery understands that Santa only brings presents to good girls, so every time she is being naughty I pull out the Santa card, and it really works. Beautiful!
Well that's it. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!


Papa John said...

Milli, that was so sweet of you and Avery to take Travis a Thanksgiving Dinner to the hospital. I had asked him if he was going to get a Thanksgiving meal, a few days before the big day. He said, you would probably save some for him and he would eat it the next day. What a nice gesture to leave your party and do that for him...

Tracie said...

Millster.....I just want to squeeze those cheeks....right now. I have NEVER seen a cuter picture....ever.

The Dumas Family said...

I hate cute pregnant chicks like you. Why don't you get all huge and swollen with a red face and a fat nose and neck? You look amazing. Because this is your 2nd baby you're probably feeling her more than you did with Avery. I don't think you should assume she's going to run circles around you (just yet). Or if she does, you can just teach Avery and baby #2 to chase each other. Perhaps tie a shiny ribbon on them. There you go. Never say I didn't solve any problem for you. :0) Your girls will just be super athletes like their mama. I hope all is well with you guys. I enjoy your posts. Your stories make me laugh.

Unknown said...

32 weeks? Yeah right - you don't even look preggo. I'm with the Dumas family on that one. Avery looks like Travis in the bird hat picture, thingy.

TC Jolley said...

You really are the cutest prego woman I've ever seen... and I'm not bias, you really are so cute! And Avery, oh man, she makes me feel all crazy, like I want to bite her! I love talking to her on the phone with her deep smokers voice!!! You and Trav are amazing, he is such a hard worker and you are such a great support to him. When I grow up I want to be like you... and look like you when I'm pregnant, oh wait, no more prego's here!

Tam the Gram said...

Baby No Name Jane. . . I like the Jane part! We can't wait to see you guys, I need to bite cheeks. Love to you all. Love the updates. You are a good writer, that creates mind pictures. I like you.