Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oh October!

As I said in my last post, I'm usually about a week behind. I would say that I will try to do better, but I'm pretty sure I won't, so here comes another extremely long post from the Charles clan.

October is probably my most favorite month in Kansas city. The weather is amazing, the leaves are a dream come true and of course the festivities start. We did a ton and we took advantage of all the things we could. Here they are...
1) Our neighborhood Halloween progressive dinner

Every year our street does this. The torch was passed on to me this year from Ruth, who moved to Hawaii... we miss you Ruth! The party was no Ruth Kau caliber, but it was a grade A Milli Charles attempt, and it turned out just fine!

Here is the food, lets be honest, this is the reason we even do this, right?
This is the appetizer table in the Johnson's backyard... yummy!

Here is the entree table, we had taco soup in the Hendrick's backyard

And of course, the dessert table. We ate in the Hasting's front yard

Here are some of the ghost's and goblins...

Here is costume #1, the kitty. I didn't even think that Travis would get so much crap for dressing up like a kitty, but he did. Way to be a real man Trav.

We had a lot of fun, and I was so relieved that it turned out, until one of the kids asked me where the pinata was. Oops, I guess Ruth did a pinata every year and I totally forgot. Sorry kids !

2) A Halloween get together

A bunch of us couples got together and celebrated the great Holiday. Can I just say, we may not have a lot of money, but we sure know how to party!

Exhibit A) The food

Exhibit B) The costumes

The Taylor's were old people

We were Skinny Kenny and Carol (its a Riverside town home inside joke, they are just some awesome characters we get to live by)

The Romney's were a bee and honey

The McCools were a witch and a broomstick

The Johnson's were the famous Red X (another Riverside wonder) and a bottle of beer (which the Red X has an abundance of)

The Church's were dice

And the Hastings were Juno and her boyfriend

Exhibit C) The Walk off

Since we were all decked out, we decided to vamp up the music and have an official walk off. Pretty sure the Taylor's won that one. Those old people had some moves!!!

Exhibit D) The bobbing for apple tournament

I suck at this event, and was out the first round

Travis was a little better

The McCools were amazing. They both made it to the championship round (I bet they practice in their house all the time)

Derek was the winner, but Trish put up a good fight!

And lastly Exhibit D) Karaoke

Don't think I even need to explain this one. We are pretty much awesome.

(that's my rapping hand)

Trent gives it his all.
(Oh I forgot to get pictures, but we also played Mafia)

That was a really fun night!

3) A local carnival
Scary houses, fun games and treats; we had to check it out

Costume #2- the duck
My parents were here during this one

They had this booth set up with the new PlayStation dance game, and so we of course had to try it. Who do you think won?

Travis kicked our fannies. That white boy can move.

4) The library
We have been going to story time at the library. This time, they got to dress up. I think Avery was checking out that monkey back there. She loves Jude.

Costume #3- A tiger

5) Pumpkin patch

It was a farm, we took a hayride, we bought some pumpkins. That's just what ya do.

5) Pumpkin carving
Travis and I take pumpkin carving pretty seriously. This year, we kind of procrastinated so had to figure something out at the last second. I think they turned out decent. We went over to the Romney's for some "witches brew" and pumpkin cookies.
We gutted the pumpkins together. Jen's and Jared's was rotten, and we all about vomited.

Jen is probably trying everything in her power to smile and not gag in this picture

Here is the outcome:
Jen and Jared's
Here is ours
Can you see it? Travis did Dr. Gregory House and I did the Mona Lisa. I think he won this year.
5) YMCA Trunk or treat
Costume #3- A tiger is back

There was a "Fire big truck" there and they asked if she wanted to go inside. She took one look at the truck and said, "its too big."

But then she went down this big slide

And finally 6) Halloween night (or the Saturday before)
What costume did Avery go with... .... ...
Looks like costume #1, the kitty
Look at all of these little girls!

The kitty family is back, seriously, good sport Trav (I secretly think he likes it)
We ran into Indiana Jones and the "womb" raider (she's pregnant, get it)

Then we ran into Bam Bam. Apparantly the kitty has something for cavemen.
Avery was so good. She learned that you say, "trick or treat" and then "thank you." She didn't learn that you pass up the dum dum suckers and go for the chocolate. Maybe next year?
This is a clip of her showing off her trick or treating skills to our neighbor, Penny

Well, the month of October is over, and the the real Holidays are coming. Pretty soon we will be having turkey, and then Christmas and then baby will be here! I'm really excited, because she is all up in my ribs, maybe that is where the saying, "all up in my grill", came from because she really is.



Jen R. said...

Awesome post. PS. That pumpkin was the new one...we already took the rotten one to the dumpster. I cannot believe that something can smell so bad. I almost died.

Baby Ruth said...

Thankyou so much for posting! It made me sooo homesick for Missouri and you guys, but I managed to get by without tearing up... :) You guys are so much fun! I miss you tons! Love ya!

Papa John said...

Lots to say in only one comment.
--Bro Hastings is the spitting image of Unka Wes in that pic...was that not really Wes?
--lots of creativity, but the Taylor's have to win the costume contest
--Apple bobbing Milli, Trav, the play station dancer (whatever that means?), and trick or treater Avery...seeing the video was wonderful!
---GREAT pumpkins! My gosh, who do ya create something like that?
--And finally, lose the kitty Trav...
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

Chris and Jana said...

You beat me on the posts so good job. I think I'm like 6 months behind. Oh well. October was fun, good job!

TC Jolley said...

Can we be your neighbors? The video was so sweet, she was really into in. I am very concerned in the fact that You (Milli) could receive a Dum Dum and with grace and speed, exchange it almost invisibly for a chocolate candy bar--indicates lots and lots of practice--hummm?

We always love kitty's, especially as "cute" as Travy. It was good to hear from Ruth!--Oh, I better identify myself, as I am using TC's computer--this is yo Mama.

The Dumas Family said...

Whew! What a post. I'm so glad I got caught up on everything that's been going with you guys. I hope you're feeling well. Congrats to Avery on her big girl room, that is so fun. You guys did a great job. Did your hubby decide on Anesthesia for his specialty? I don't think I ever heard what he decided on. Congratulations on girl #2!

Mandy said...

I want to move in with you. I would totally come up with cool costumes and such. I promise I will fit in. I think that sounds like the greatest place to live in the world! Avery is silly cute and I am crazy impressed with the Dr. House punkin. Mad skills.

Daisie said...

You guys know how to party! Loved the post! And especially Avery's array of costumes! Can't wait to see you guys again soon!!

Erin Bradley said...

What a fun October! So neat that you guys have made such great friends by moving away....we have gotten too comfortable and stay home waaaay too much.

Your little one really is adorable!