Saturday, September 4, 2010

Oh Yeah...

If any of you know me, you know that I complain of having middle child syndrome.
Middle Child Syndrome:
The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling.
I was the middle of three girls growing up. I always told myself that no matter what, I would treat my second child as if it were my first. I would take just as many pictures, read just as many parenting books, etc. Well, so far... I have failed!
If you haven't heard yet, I am pregnant with our second baby. I haven't picked up one pregnancy book, I haven't posted anything on Facebook, I haven't put up one of those annoying baby tickers, I just barely took my first belly shot and I'm 20 weeks now!
Its not that I'm not super excited, because I am thrilled, I think I am just being lazy about it. And I think that is why middle child syndrome was invented, not because the kid isn't loved just as much as the other kid, but because the parents just got done doing all that stuff, and they are tired and lazy!
I'm going to try really hard to not be lazy, but its kind of hard!
So far pregnancy has been great. No sickness, getting past the tired stage and I can feel the little bugger kicking away. I am due January 22nd and we officially find out on Wednesday what we are having. All along, I have leaned towards girl, but I'm not as sure as I was when I was pregnant withAvery. Travis thinks boy all the way, but I think what he wants is getting in the way of his intuition (note to baby, if you are a girl, Daddy still loves you!)
So we thought it was fun having a nickname for the unborn baby like we did with Avery, she was Spud, so we have called this baby Baby Charro. See here for an explanation. It hasn't caught on like Spud did, but maybe that's because I've really only told my close friends and family about this baby.
Note to baby: Charro, we love you so much and can't wait for you to come. Avery kisses my tummy and says hi to you too, she is so excited to meet you (you are going to rock her world!) Take your time in the womb, I hear it is nice in there.
Love, Your Mama

19 1/2 weeks


La said...


And are you kidding with that "belly shot"?! You don't have a belly silly!!

Laura & Rusty Jensen said...

what the crap milli you don't look prego. I don't believe there is a baby in there.

Brandi Hastings said...

It's so fun to have someone to be preggo with :) Congrat's again on little Charro!

Tracie said...

Faker....take the barbie doll pillow out from under your shirt.

Laura said...

you are preggers?! How exciting! Congratulations to you and Trav!!!! Miss you TONS!

Crystal said...

my word 20 weeks and dont even look pregnant! Geez i am 27 weeks and look way preggo. Congrats by the way I really have been waiting to see when you were going to have your next one. Thats exciting.

The Dumas Family said...

Wahoo! I'm so excited for you guys. You disgust me, by the way. I can't believe you're 20 weeks in that picture. You don't even look like you had a big lunch, let alone a kid in there. I'm glad you're feeling well. Keep your stinkin' blog updated so I know what you're expecting. Congratulations to you both!

Allie said...

I take pride in knowing i was one of the first to know! Even though i awkwardly forced you to tell me. Can't wait!

Cynthia and Bryan said...

Lili Congrats ! So exciting for your little family ! So jealous you are tiny !

Texie said...

Don't ever post a picture of you at 20 weeks ever again!!! You have no bump at all!! Now I want to throw up because my belly was huge at 20 weeks!! Thanks a lot!!! :) Oh and congrats on the new addition!

TC Jolley said...

All I have to say about MCS is PAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZE! I love you niece #2!!!