Sunday, May 3, 2009

Had to try it

Travis thinks I'm a masochist,
(def. gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification)
and after doing this sprint triathlon I may agree with him.
It was bloody hard!
Given, I didn't really follow a training schedule but I figured, hey I work out, I can handle 4 laps in the pool, a 13 mile bike ride and a 3.1 mile run.
That is called precockulation,
(one who is cocky before attempting a feat they have never ventured. ex) starting a softball game with the notion of striking out every batter, strutting to the mound like you own it, when all of a sudden you have thrown the first pitch and the ball lands over the center field fence... Mandy?)
Okay, it wasn't torture, but I was bright pink and out of breath when I finished.
The race was at the Ft. Leavenworth army base. It was fun. I have never really been on a base before. The not fun thing about it was that it was crawling with hills. They say Kansas is a very flat state, but not this part of Kansas.
To sum it up in a nutshell, Travis, Avery, my neighbor Rachael and I left at 6:20am for the fort. We got there kind of late, but made it just in time. Actually we had a lot of time to burn because we signed up late and therefore we had to start the race last. They space everyone out 15 seconds to start the swim. I was number 261, so had to wait about an hour to start the race. My heart was pounding because I really didn't know what to expect. I knew my worse event would be the swim, but it wasn't too bad. It was really quick. Getting out of the pool is a very unique experience because you feel really woozy, you have to run to your bike practically naked, then you have to get all your stuff on. Putting on more clothes made me feel a lot better! I felt great on the bike. Probably because I borrowed one of the nicest bikes ever. I covet that machine! It actually did all the work. I had a great time on the bike... even with all those crappy hills. So going into the run I was totally pumped! Running is my forte. I was so going to kill everyone. That is when the precockulation occurred. As soon as I got off my bike, I could have sworn my legs were made of green jello. I couldn't believe how weak I felt. Suffice it to say, I manned up and finished the 3.1 miles, but it wasn't delightful at all! The thing about these sprint triathlons is that it literally is a sprint. With a marathon, you can pace it because you know that you will be running the whole time, but with this race, I felt that there were 3 short events so I didn't really pace myself. I was breathing pretty hard for most of it.
Now here is my acceptance speech: I would just like to thank the Washburn's for letting me borrow the most kick A bike, my butt will be sore for weeks because the seat is as narrow as a toothpick. I would also like to thank Rachael for beating me by 50 seconds... She beat me in the swim and run and I nailed her in the biking... but it came down to the transition times and that girl can change her clothes and put on her shoes faster than me! I would also like to thank Amy Elmore for just being Amy Elmore. It was so fun to have my running buddy back even though she started an hour before I did, I could feel her presence. I would also like to thank the YMCA for allowing me to work out and feel a little bit ready for this race, oh and for watching Avery while I do it. They have the best child watch! I would also like to thank my pink Saucony running shoes. I fear that your time is running out (pun intended). There have been many miles of tears, laughter and pure joy. I will never forget you. And last but not least I have to thank Travis and Avery. The most rewarding part of the whole thing was knowing that Travis and Avery were there rooting me on. Trav was going to do the race but he forgot to train at all so opted not to do it. But he was still there the whole time taking pictures and watching our little girl. I loved crossing the finish line and seeing him and her there. Next year babe!

I really had a great time!
Me and Rach before the race
I was saying hi to Avery
Finishing the bike
Rach, Amy and me after the race... I match my shirt


Allie said...

How do you have that unbelievable of a body just mere months after bearing a child? Butthole.

I love our terminology and definitions. I laughed my A off.

Mandy said...

I have not been this happy in a long time.
Precockulation. Those were the greatest days. I sometimes remind my team of the fear of this taking over your every existence.
I am also so very proud/full of unbelievable anger and jealousy that you look like you have never even eaten a full meal much less had a baby.
Good job with the marathon though, you are amazing!

Miriam Ika Marshall said...

i do not know how you do it!! your insane and i love it!! will you be my personal trainer when we live closer to each other? man, you go girl!!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

That is so awesome! I would love to do something like that. Maybe one day... but don't count on it any time soon. :o) Way to go!

Amber said...

Oh man am I glad I backed out! There is always next year though right!? You did fabulous!

laurhill said...

Seriously, did you really pop out Avery?! =) You look amazing and congrats on finishing your Tri-thingy!!

Jeanette said...

WOW, that is amazing! You are crazy though, I must say. But super healthy, crazy. I love how you totally down played what you just did at the BBQ. That cracks me up. No wonder why you were just starving. I thought it was because you were nursing, but NOOOO, you just kicked butt working out all morning. You seriously crack me up. I don't know if we can be friends anymore. People like you are a little intimidating to be friends with. ;) Call me soon, and we'll have to get together.

byronandniki said...

wow you have a hot bod! Sorry about the precockulation... It never turns out good. Love ya and miss ya.

Rachel said...

It was great reading your entry of the event. I am so glad you make me run it. Thanks. I too had a blast except I was sore all of Sunday and Monday. I love the pictures and hope you don't mide but I stole some.

Tracie said...

Tam the Gram said...

Milli, Milli--first, thanks for the definitions, which for the past four months I have as a "favorite"--I felt a connection to you! Also, I think that all you softball people have a certain mentality; you have an experience, then give it a name and it becomes soooooo funny! I really love you "softball" girls and your humor. Lastly, "high five" for Travey and Avery for getting up so early and supporting their mom and wife, that is special! Good job on the play by play, it really gives a future sprinter something to WORRY about. love you P.S. I have also converted to a tooth pick size bike seat--you will build callouses!

Unknown said...


Tri's are addicting, I am warning you. :) Too bad I did my first sprint on a mountain bike. I didn't think it would make a difference. YEAH RIGHT! I had to get the right bike to make me fast. :) Keep up the great work.

Papa John said...

Lots of props for getting out and doing this...jello would have been my name before I got out of the pool!
Twice a week or so when we talk, I always ask you what is going on? "Not much" you need to start givin me the scoop about things like this, ya hear!

Anie said...

I really admire you! I think I will just give up after the swimming, but I am a terrible swimmer!

Jamie Dana said...

Way to go! You are amazing.

Lance and Ariel said...

YEAH MILLI!!! you inspire fact i think i too will try one of these things :) you are truely amazing, i hope one day to grow up and be just like you!!!

Jill said...

Freakin' awesome Milli! Also, "precoculation?" that's a great word. ha ha

TC Jolley said...

I can't believe you didn't mention me in your speech, really though, we both know I'm your rock! Especially after I told you about how I smacked my head into the side of the pool while doing the back stroke during my tri. Really though, you are one awesome chick. Maybe we should bronze your shoes and save them forever... FYI, I need more pictures of my neice, you are cute but she is cuter!

Reed Walker said...

You two are amazing.
The End.

swampbaby said...

Way to go, Milli! You are an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Yeah - on behalf of women everywhere - I condemn you for the way you look with a newborn. I think you stuffed pillows in your shirt, and that you really hired someone else to have Avery for you. I'm on to you!

John and Erin said...

Way to go House! You rock! Your body is literally rock hard. That looks like so much fun. I just wish I could be doing this stuff with you. We're suppose to be doing this together.