Monday, March 16, 2009

3 Years

One thousand and forty-seven miles. To get to my sweetheart, I would need to drive through 5 states on a path that would take me straight through Dodge City. Milli ditched me this month for her family, after I left her for podunk Kansas in order to complete a surgery rotation. We have not been apart this long since we were married, but on this, our 3rd anniversary, we find ourselves separated by 2 time zones for the first time. It is no fun being away from the ones you love for so long, especially on such an important occasion. So I thought I would shoot off this short message into cyberspace for all friends, family, and any snooping government agency to share, but especially for my Milli. Shortly after we were married, I found myself driving to a golf range with my brother-in-law, Jon, and we were engaged in a lengthy discussion about the "Jones" girls. At one point in the conversation, he mentioned that his wife was "just a good, good, person." I agreed, and realized that I couldn't describe Milli any better or simpler. Over the years, she has time and time again proved the quality of her character and taught and re-taught me many of the simple lessons of life. Of course the greatest gift that she has given to us this year is the gift of life. From the day she was born, our little one has been every bit the angel that I imagined she would be, and I cherish the moments I have with her. On those days when parenting becomes a challenge and I feel like I fall a little short, Milli is relentless in her support, and she never fails to pick up where I leave off. If only you all could see her in action! I feel so happy for Avery that she has a mother that loves her so much. To my sweetheart, I say "LOVE YOU"!!!! I miss you so much and wish you were home. Enjoy your time with your family, and hurry and bring my girls back to me!


Allie said...

Ah, Trav, ya old softie! That was a way nice post. And Millhouse, what the? You are in Utah?? Call me right now.

Brandi Hastings said...

Lucky Milli- what a lucky catch :) It made me want to cry (I don't know if it was because of the sweet message or that it reminded me that my husband is bunked up right next to you Travis!)
Happy Anniversary guys!!!!

Texie said...

well that sure was a sweet post! I love it! You got a good one Milli!!!

Tracie said...

Aw Trav....(wipe tear), you're so "special." LOVE YA BROTHER!

John and Erin said...

Wow Happy Anniversary you two! I love ya both so much and I'm sure happy for ya. Ur a sweetheart Trav!

Tam the Gram said...

I agree Trav, Milli is a good mom; as you are a good dad and husband. Avery has been such a treat to have with us this week, thanks for sharing her. She is precious beyond measure and is go engaging; we love her! We have loved having the daily up-dates of Hoisington; sounds like a great adventure. Take care, we love and miss you.

Daisie said...

Trav!! What a doll! That was so sweet!! Happy Anniversary to you both!! I want them back too!!!

Papa John said...

What a guy! And what a gal X2!