Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The stuff we do...

I just wanted to mention a few fun things we did this last weekend... bit first I have to apologize about my last post; it was ginormously long. I will be brief as can be!

On Thursday I went with my girlfriends and saw P.S. I love you

I think I have cried in about 3 movies in my life (one of those is the Lion King), but I bawled through the whole thing. The movie didn't get really good reviews, but what do those stupid critics know anyway? They are way too analytical. It was a very meaningful story and I recommend it.

Then on Saturday morning we went to Paola (a city way out in the boonies) and shot guns. That is right folks, you heard me. Just another thing us Midwesterners do on the weekend. We went with the Oman's because Sarah and Jim both got new guns for Christmas and were itching to try them out. There were a couple other people who came as well; we definitely got our jollies off of the gun shooting.

I'm pretty sure this is what we were shooting, and other cool guns. Don't even mess with me. I learned how to load the gun, and learned other gun safety measures such as not pretending to shoot at anyone EVER!

On Saturday night we met back up with the same group and we played the funnest game ever. The new Rock band game on X-BOX 360 is off the hizook! Its just like guitar hero, but the whole band is involved. There is a drummer, guitar, bass and a singer. My eyes were getting so dried out because I was too afraid to blink thinking I would miss a note thus getting booed off the stage.

I just had to laugh as I was playing the game. I looked around at what we were doing, and what we had done earlier that day with the guns and just thought of the randomness of the weekend. I was thoroughly entertained!


Shelley said...

I'm so glad you cried! I went with 4 other ladies, and was the only boob in the group....so it's good to hear that someone else out there has a soft spot for Irish widows.

Allie said...

Matt has been talking non stop about rock band, so I am really excited to try it! Also, if you cried through the whole thing, I will for sure sob throughthe whole thing as well as about an hour after. Great.

Tam the Gram said...

Today, I sat by a woman that "packs", conceiled permit. I wanted to touch her gun so bad. One of my goals this year is to take a gun safety course and get a permit, so don't even think of messing with me--TRAVIS! Do you think I can get Art to see the movie?

Cynthia and Bryan said...

I am glad to be back in the mountains but I do miss the beach. Guns huh ? Bry has the gun itch too, he got 3 last year and a membership to a gun club...haha- my dad is a dealer (gun dealer that is) I know what you were thinking ;). Ya - I would love to see you when you head this way again- I want to talk more about your marathon training. Im going to run another half in April and try a full in October...I want some training tips !

Jess Perry said...

I have heard that P.S. I love you is awesome. I am definately feeling a girl's night coming up!!

Tamara Jacobs said...

Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend, and Christmas! I will definitely email you about med school and stuff. I'm glad that we will be pretty close to each other. I want to see PS I love you so bad! Hopefully I'll get to soon:)

TC Jolley said...

I cried too... and about 3 times as well! It was SUCH a good movie... next chick flick for me, Juno. Seriously though, your weekend was pretty random!!! I miss you. Oh, and if you get a chance, go to Brooke Droubay's blog... it's a flashback to my first stripper experience!!! oh, and last!!!

the murdocks said...

Milli I have never bawled so much throughout one movie in my life. I actually think that was the only point of the movie...to make us cry. But I still like it. I was going to comment on your last post about Christmas becuase 1)It was WONDERFUL seeing you! and 2)I pee my pants laughing every time I picture your impression with the towel. I had a 12-pack that night from laughing!!! Anyway, I can't wait to be close to you too..we will definitely see eachother more...well more than at christmas hopefully! And I promise I had to take a quick nap in between your last post. It was long...but that's how I like 'em! Keep me posted!

Tracie said...

OH, I need to see the movie. I have no emotional component in my brain whatsoever, cause your stinky spouse made fun of me so much when I cried while growing up. I love your blog and your humor, Miliificent. You make me laugh sooooo much.

Mandy said...

I am not joking when I say I am the best Rock Band singer ever! Sometimes I go over to my brothers house (when no one is home) and sit Addi down and just sing my heart out. I am so good! If you want to fly me in to be your band singer I will totally do it. You are awesome. Kisses

Lauren Perry said...

Hey Milli! I miss you tons! I am jealous that you get to have sooo much fun out there! My mom is coming into town, so Brian and I actually get to go see movies and have fun! lol. When do you come back to Utah? Thanks for always commenting on Cannon :) I think he is cute, but I am his mama-lol. PS, I have guitar hero and I kinda rock at that :) Me, you and Mandy should form a BAND! We can be the "New Seven Sister Wives" or the "Crazy Leg Express"- lol

Jordan said...

That caption that says "Before the cruise burnt down" killed me!

I love Rock Band. I'm best at the guitar, but I want to get better at the drums.

Becky Johnson said...

That rock band game is SO fun!! But, I TOTALLY suck at it....I need to practice! haha